"This is a disaster!Blaster fire rang out as Mevia slammed into a wall and pushed against it, pushing herself into another mad dash down another hallway. She gritted her teeth, her buy'ce 's sensors screamed as her heart pounded. The image of a battered, unconscious Elise was seared in her mind.
"It's too late now. She convinced herself, "I did what I had to do...
The blaster fire continued. She felt her armor deflect the damage of the blasters, slightly staggering as she made way for the bridge.
"Almost there!
The door opened with a sickly hiss. More enemies awaited her there. She skidded to a halt, pulling her blaster pistol out. Her vambraces snapped into place, she slid into position. No matter how it ended, she was going to be the Mandalorian she always had been.
"This is it.
As the songs of war rang throughout the ship, it was very obvious. Regardless of what she had done, no matter how how she fought, for her...
It was over.