



The holoscreens flicker to life across the galaxy, casting a blue-tinted light in homes, cantinas, and spaceports. The familiar face of Holly Starstorm, a respected investigative reporter from Holonet News, fills the screen. Her expression is a blend of solemnity and determination as she delivers the latest update on one of the most high-profile trials in recent history.

"Good evening, citizens of the galaxy. This is Holly Starstorm, reporting live from Coruscant on the ongoing and highly controversial trial of Jedi Master Romi Jade. The courtroom drama has been fraught with twists and turns, but today, a new development has surfaced that could turn the entire case on its head.

As many of you know, Master Jade was extradited to face charges of war crimes linked to the Sith Empire's invasion of Pantora and the subsequent skirmishes on Rhen Var. While the prosecution has sought to portray her as a fugitive who avoided accountability, new evidence has emerged that casts significant doubt on these accusations.

Let's summarize the incredible journey of this trial and the latest revelations."

Holly shuffled some papers importantly as the screen over her shoulder flashes with small images to match easy summary she was giving.

"Throughout the trial the prosecution has maintained that Romi Jade's actions directly contributed to the Sith Empire's aggression and the atrocities committed on Pantora. They pointed to her supposed evasion of justice as an indication of guilt. However, throughout the proceedings, the defense has consistently highlighted her extensive contributions to the Jedi Order and the Galactic community.

Coren Starchaser, another key figure in the trial and a long-time ally of Romi Jade. Starchaser, who had already given his testimony, presented new evidence (Here) to the defense and the court and the findings are nothing short of astounding. Through meticulous investigation irrefutable evidence was discovered that Romi Jade was not responsible for the crimes she is accused of. Investigators revealed that a doppelganger had in fact impersonated Jade, committing acts that deceived even those closest to her. This imposter acted in full view of several witnesses, while the real Romi Jade was aboard a corvette in orbit, entirely uninvolved in the ground conflict.

Upon gathering this crucial evidence, these findings were sent to Coren Starchaser and the defense, documents detailing the doppelganger’s actions and clarifying that Romi Jade's involvement in the Sith campaigns was limited and largely supportive rather than aggressive.

This afternoon, the court was presented with this groundbreaking evidence. After careful review, the judges have dismissed several charges against Romi Jade, acknowledging the lack of concrete evidence and the compelling nature of these new findings. The remaining charges are under intense scrutiny, and currently being considered on being thrown out entirely due to the lack of evidence to place blame. However, one thing that is increasingly clear is that Romi Jade has been a scapegoat in this complex and multifaceted conflict.

As the trial continues, it is evident that the case against Romi Jade is unraveling. The revelations have sparked discussions about the broader implications for the Jedi Order and their accountability. What remains is to understand how the impersonator influenced events and what steps will be taken to clear Jade’s name fully."

Holly took a pause as a picture of Romi flashed over her shoulder and some footage of the court proceedings played for the viewing public.

Hollys image then returns and flickers slightly as she pauses, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the moment.

"Citizens, the search for truth and justice is paramount. This trial has reminded us of the complexity of war and the importance of due process. As new developments arise, we will continue to bring you the latest updates. For now, we can only hope that the light of truth will prevail, and that Romi Jade, a dedicated Jedi, will find the justice she deserves. HNN will continue to bring you the updates as the unfold. Stay tuned!"

The broadcast ends, leaving viewers across the galaxy in contemplation of the unfolding drama and the fragile balance between justice and truth.