FADE IN - A furious Hutt, just shaking his head and and grumbling, his Kowakian Monkey-Lizard throwing things and a destroyed throne room in the background. In the Foreground is a dented, short circuiting, scarred Protocol Droid.

"Ay! Listen up! I'm CH3-PO, Human Cyborg Relations. I'm a Protocol droid, in case you has your heads in the sands. What? You expectin' a prissy little scurryin' droid afraid of every step? I know what his grand exhaltedness wants and I give. It takes a tough droid to do this and I survived longer than every other one he had." The droid, as stiff as others of his model turned and pointed back at the gangster. "'Who's that?' You askin? Whose askin? Who wants tuh know?"

Frustrated, the Hutt in the background looked at his mouthy mouthpiece. "OOONA! AH! Tell Hoohah Haku Jee wanted Uba Tah Settah, Droi! (**Tell them what I wanted you to say, Droid!)"

"OKAY! OKAY! Keep yer' shirt on! HA! See what I did there?" The Hutt threw some kind of debris at the droid clonking it on the head. "OKAY! Sheesh! Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah! That's my mastuh, his Royal Exhaltedness Ssataf the Hutt! Notice how angry he is? He's normally a lot calmuh than this! Well, let me hook you intuh our security recorded footage. That'll explain it all.

The Hutt's palace was a fortress of darkness, guarded by a collection of monsters that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls. But tonight, a new threat loomed in the shadows - a Jedi, a Vanagor... Connel Vanagor. As the clock struck midnight, Connel silently made his way past the mansion's security, using his stealth and cunning to evade detection. When he was detected, or could not get past a checkpoint without being noticed, he took down the guards with almost deadly ferocious efficiency (almost). Connel moved like a ghost, slipping through the shadows and avoiding the watchful eyes of the monsters that prowled the halls.

But as he reached the heart of the enormous palace, the huge throneroom, he was confronted by a group of gangsters who stood in his way. Without hesitation, Connel sprang into action, taking down the thugs with a flurry of punches and kicks and hits with his combat shield that left them battered and bruised at his feet. The commotion caught the attention of Ssataff, who looked to the doorway of his chambers to see what the disturbance was. His eyes widened in shock as he beheld the sight of violent entry of the young Jedi Knight who was now standing before him, a dark and menacing figure in the dimly lit room. He looked "different" than the records they had on him. Connel looked "bigger", meaner.

"You've made a grave mistake coming here, Jedi," CH3-PO growled, his voice dripping with malice. "You think you can take on us and my mastuh's monstuhs? His gang? His resources? His allies You're nothing but a fool." The droid received a receipt for his words in the form of a combat shield. Connel was undeterred at the threats, his gaze unwavering as he stared down the gangster. Those lieutenants and brutes in attendance moved on the Jedi who immediately showed them why the phrase "Jedi weakness" did not describe him. He tore into those who attacked, throwing them, punching them, taking them donw, all in the most savage of manners.I'm here for one reason you stupid slug, and one reason only. I'm going to put an end to your operation, your reign of terror. Every last little bit of it will be gone because of me. I just don't want you complaining you weren't warned you stupid Schutta.he said, his voice cold and resolute. More security came runnint in, they would be met by a feral attack that would resemble the elder Vanagor, powerful and full of brute force, but with a nimbleness the sone was becoming known for. One thing was for certain though, Connel was meaner than he let on.

With a swift movement, Connel closed the distance between them, grabbing the Hutt by the very folds of his skin and painfully and pulled him close. Pay attention gangster, I am only going to say this once. he whispered, his voice low and dangerous as he now spoke loudly, loud enough for everyone coherent could hear.. You have all eaten well. You've eaten innocent's wealth. their spirit. TheIr very being. Your feast is nearly over. For from this moment on...none of you are safe. If you don't end this, I will, and you will never see me coming or know what hit you.

The Hutt's eyes widened in fear as he realized the gravity of the situation. He nodded frantically, his hands trembling as he raised them in surrender.

Satisfied that his message had been received, Connel released his grip on the Hutt and turned to leave. With a final glance back at the cowering mob boss, he leaped out of the window and disappeared into the night, leaving behind a Palace in chaos and a Hutt who knew that his days of terror were numbered.

CUE - CH3-PO back in the picture.

"See? Those Jedi are out to get us! This ain't 'Jedi'. So here's the thing! My mastuh is puttin' a bounty out ta' any of you out there seein' this! 200,,000 UHC to bring that jerk in alive! 250,000 if you can save some for us! You hear this? You want money! Get'im!"

** That translation was thanks to oan English to Huttese translator. If something is wrong, blame that! :D
*** Hopefully this is how it is supposed to go down, if not, let me know.[/COLOR]
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