

900 ABY - Onderon

With a gasp for air, Valery's eyes opened wide.

The recent battle on Onderon had been an unsuspected event. Forces of the Sith Order had been causing trouble in the region, but this was different. Something or someone else was behind the familiar darkness she felt. Her fellow Councilors had sensed it too, but it wasn't until her return to the Jungle World that she could finally connect with those feelings. Within the ruins of an old Jedi structure, the Force had reached out to her and granted her a vision. A familiar Sith world brought to ruin, a duel with a face she would always remember, and the fallen body of another by her feet.

Was this inevitable?

Valery climbed off the rock she had been sitting on for hours and wiped the dust of her tunic. Images still lingered at the forefront of her mind, offering her no sense of peace even after she was pulled back to reality. But she had no answers either. When was any of this going to happen and how? Why? So many questions were left unanswered that she felt overwhelmed and almost wanted to go back into her own mind. Into the deepest aspects of the Force. Valery's eyes shifted up to the blue sky once she finally cleared her mind, her hands falling down by her sides, clenched into fists.

Only one thing felt certain now.

War was on the horizon.