CRYPTOGRAPHY, as understood by the laymen, is the practice of encoding information so that it can only be read by the intended recipient. At the turn of the ninth-century, after the EMPIRE OF THE LOST suffered a political revolution (which saw the KILRAN DYNTASY rise to power in the TION CLUSTER), a new conspiracy was born out of the fruits of the EGGMAN'S labour. The seditious FIFTH WING-- who had aspirations of their own revolution on LIANNA-- brought about a series of events which led to the SARTINAYNIAN CRISIS!
As the newly risen DIARCHY found themselves under the threat of invasion by the two leftover remnants of the GALACTIC EMPIRE a malfunction within the DIRECT SURVEILLANCE OF DOMESTIC THREATS revealed a series of numbers connected to a message, equipment, a dossier, locations, a ship and the program itself.
But what do the numbers mean?
Dossier 2351185122591472015251521
Encrypted Message 418525-201811419139191991514
Chandrila DataTech's "3457-89-01" Prototype
DSDT Program - #419420-1129391-418525
"The Cone of Silence" - #2085-315145-156-1991251435
Portable Dampening Field [PDF] - #1615182012125-4113165149147-695124
Annihilator-class Boarding Shuttle - #11414989121201528-31211919-21511849147-198212020125
Encrypted Message 418525-201811419139191991514
Chandrila DataTech's "3457-89-01" Prototype
DSDT Program - #419420-1129391-418525
"The Cone of Silence" - #2085-315145-156-1991251435
Portable Dampening Field [PDF] - #1615182012125-4113165149147-695124
Annihilator-class Boarding Shuttle - #11414989121201528-31211919-21511849147-198212020125