Hello all

Some of you may know me other may not, I am Ryn Starfall though some of you may know me better Ryn Bacquin. Same person just went back to my heritage roots and picked up my last real last name not the one my father gave the family. It's very hippy of me, I know kind of goes with being Dathomiri a bit of a nature freak. Before you ask yes Tegan Starfall is my oldest sister and I agree she is batshit insane don't worry I won't blow up your planet.

So this the part where I tell you all I am an addict….wait this isn't that kind of meeting. Oh, right I called you here to tell you all a story. I promise it's not the one where the Jedi obliterated me with a wall of light on Dathomir, but that was not fun. Nor the one where some scoundrels tried to take me out with a spice grenade, it took five I'm like rhinoceros it's going to take more then on trank dart to knock my ass on the ground.

I guess I should start with the humble beginning I was a sith wash out never living up to my fathers' expectations. So, I ran away found my escape in all the drugs and booze I could put my hands on. That's the problem with my family, we are a bunch of rebels at heart. Anarchist who don't like authority not even of the family kind. We don't hold much in terms of tradition or even faith. About the only code we all have is the rebel code which my father wrote. Its primary tenant is.

"One does not bend the knee; you are your own master and a slave to no one."~ Darth Lucid​

There are like seven more after that one, but they are more guidelines than rules considering how often my sister Tegan breaks them. In truth all this talk leads me to the point of this little story we have been nothing more than the trailer trash of the Galaxy. Every branch from the Dathomiri starfall's to Abel's Echani branch to Sethrom's swamp people of Randorn 2 to Cade's desert tribals of Zonju V. We don't talk about Raithe's Hapan Branch there all uppity and actually made something of themselves once upon a time.

So the point of this story PSA is we Starfall's suck so sign up to join the family today! DM Tegan Starfall with inquiries or just to annoy her.