Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Outcasts

Feeling the jedi are too detached, and not enough is done to research and understand their place in the galaxy, the Jedi Outcasts are to be trained to take a better and more reasonable take at fixing issues within the galaxy, without a large military.

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Raina Lordensek
Hello! Was hoping to join this faction as I am attracted to the reason it exists in the first place! To really focus on the skills and reason for the Jedi! Not to mention doing it in style with meaningful story writing : ) . Love the idea! My char here definitely needs to meet new people as she...
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Jasper Kai'el
Jasper Kai'el
Hey! Unfortunately it's been about two years since anything was going with this minor Faction. There are some active Jedi minor factions that may be a good fit though, but here not so much. I'm afraid not much happens around here anymore.
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