The Empire is the successor state to the New Imperial Order, the former breakaway state of the Sith Empire which declared its independence in 858 ABY. It is the modern successor of the Galactic Empire, inheriting the legacy and traditions of the former Imperial hegemon, and sharing in many of the traditions and institutions established during that time period. Under the guidance of the Sovereign Imperator -- Irveric Tavlar -- the New Imperial Order waged a bloody, years-long civil war against their Sith-Imperial counterparts. Through numerous campaigns, including the famed 'Braxant-Run', it established itself as a galactic power that was there to stay, and would overcome the Sith-Imperials and carve themselves out to be the dominant Imperial faction on the geopolitical stage.
CURRENT NARRATIVE //: Second Hyperspace War
// Government Structure //: Imperial Feudalism
// Government Themes //:
> Despotism
> Stratocracy
> Populism
> Meritocracy
> Authoritarianism
// Founding Document //: Declaration Of Defiance
// Constitution //: Code Of The New Order
// Head of State //: Emperor
// Head of Government //: Emperor
// Supreme Commander //: Emperor
// Executive Branch //: Emperor
// Legislative Branch //: Moff Council
// Judicial Branch //: Moff Council
// Military Branch //: Imperial Armed Forces
// Force Order //: Imperial Knights
// Currency //: Trade Federation Standard Credit (TFC)
// Primary Stock Exchange //: IMP500 | Harnaidan, Muunilinst
// Formed From //: Sith Empire
// Formation Type //: Rebellion / Civil War
// Lineage //:
> Sith Empire
> One Sith
> Fel Empire
> Imperial Remnant
> Galactic Empire
// Moral Alignment //:
// Diplomatic Stance //: Expansionist
// War Philosophy //: Unrestricted Wars
// War Doctrine //: Rapid Deployment
// Orbital Bombardment //: Selective
// Initial Border Status //: Closed
// Food Policy //: Dietary Balance
// Economic Policy //: Militarized Economy, Autarky
// Trade Policy //: Wealth Creation
// Production Policy //: Manufacturing Focus
// AI //: Servitude
// Droid Workers //: Allowed, widespread
// Sentient Aliens //: Equal rights, opportunities
// Slavery //: Prohibited
// Purge //: Limited
Adrial Magnus for the stormtrooper images
Amea Virou for the faction symbol header
Faction Concept Inspirations
Fel Empire
Second Imperial Civil War
Thrawn's Confederation
Galactic Empire
Pentastar Alignment
Amea Virou for the faction symbol header
Faction Concept Inspirations
Fel Empire
Second Imperial Civil War
Thrawn's Confederation
Galactic Empire
Pentastar Alignment