Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nomadic Peoples Coalition

Driven by a deeper understanding of the spacer way of life. From traditions and superstitions to straight up religions, we explore what it means to live amongst the terrors of the stars.

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Words of the Prophets, Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

"Damascus Station is more than what it's name suggests. It is our refuge. It is our home. It is our protector. And one that is capable of flying among the stars if we so wish it.

Every entity here has it's purpose to help Damascus Station to thrive. We look after her as she looks after us. Like Fledglings, some of you may leave the Nest to explore the Galaxy on your own, but your time here is always welcomed and appreciated.

War is almost everywhere, and with that brings the call to arms to protect Damascus from both intruders wishing to cause Chaos, and from those that wish to destroy it. Those that answer the call are greatly rewarded. Always.

As Prophets of Navis Sacra, we see the future and although there may be some challenges ahead, Damascus will see us all through. Chaos will not hold us in it's grasp. The Steel Angels will keep us free. Damascus will provide and keep us secure.

Take heart. The Navi protects."



So the general concept is this…

Space travel in Star Wars is fairly standard and has been relatively the same for tens of thousands of years. Minor advances do occur, but the general concept of technology typically remains the same. IRL, this compares somewhat with the era of tall ships that dominated international travel for over three centuries. Over the course of that long period of time, many many superstitions, traditions, and cultures spurred, took root, and lasted for generations. Sailing was something that was passed down, mastered, but never perfected.

What we are building is a concept where superstition + tragedy + organization = religion. In all the Chaos where nations squabble over planets and territory, life in the stars starts to look more appealing as people seek refuge on, not only a physical level, but a spiritual level too. Thus, starships - a facet of life that has been prominent for thousands of years - become a topic of faith for many beings.

For example: To be a captain of a ship is to be anointed beyond honours. To be a crew of a ship becomes a matter of identity. To be a marine, charged with the defense of a vessel, is to commit your very soul…

In summary, the concept is simple; to tell stories about the purist side of Star Wars space travel, and the way of life that surrounds it, then expand on it. Not all members of the Nomadic People's Coalition are required to play a practitioner of the Faith, but dealing with followers and living in space with a reverence for space travel is what defines us.


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