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Royal Naboo Republic

The Royal Naboo Republic aims to take the government of Naboo and expand upon it in order to restore prosperity and peace to the Southern Systems.

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"There is always a choice. To live in fear is no life at all." - Padme Amidala

The Royal Naboo Republic is a light-side aligned constitutional monarchy that seeks to blend the traditions and ideals of Naboo with democratic governance. Drawing inspiration from elements of the classic Clone Wars era Naboo, The High Republic, and other Star Wars comics and books, our faction strives to offer immersive opportunities and compelling storylines for writers who are interested in bringing unity and prosperity back to the Southern Systems.

Join the ranks of the Royal Defense Force
or the Royal Naval Fleet to help defend the Royal Republic and its allies against external threats. Serve on the ground, command starships in our defense fleet, or become a part of the specialized peacekeeping units dedicated to maintaining stability.

Embrace the path of diplomacy by representing your homeworld in the Royal Assembly, where you'll help shape policies, negotiate alliances, and forge the future of the Southern Systems alongside the elected Monarch.

For those attuned to the Force, the Order of Shiraya offers a distinct path centered on peace, diplomacy, and creative expression. Rooted in the progressive teachings of Romi Jade's 25 Chambers Philosophy, developed out of concern for the galaxy's state and the dark side's continuous growth, the Order blends Naboo's ideals with this modern, holistic approach to Jedi training while including specialized programs like the AgriCorps, PeaceCorps, and Jedi Artisans, in order to develop well-rounded Jedi Knights prepared for any challenge. This comprehensive approach ensures that every Jedi who comes through the Order of Shiraya is not only adaptable and resilient, but ready to serve as a beacon of hope to those in need.

If you are drawn more to the spiritual and cultural traditions of Naboo, the Daughters of the Scar offers a unique path. Once a passive expression of devotion to the religious ideals of Naboo, the Daughters of the Scar were transformed by the Cataclysm, an event that rocked Naboo and the Southern Systems and lead to great instability, into a subtle but active role in shaping Naboo's political future. While holding no office of their own, they advice, promote and marry among the aristocracy and political elite, hoping to forge a path to an era of enlightenment where Naboo's ways are the norm for all.


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