Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Confederacy

A coalition of systems based in the Outer Rim, intent on bringing order and stability to the Galaxy

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Chaos reigns in the Galaxy...

For decades the Galaxy has been torn apart by selfish impostors proclaiming themselves as the "saviours of the galaxy". Yet all they care about is saving their own skins and exploiting those they supposedly swore to protect.

The Alliance rots and weakens in its complacency, the Imperials and the Sith cohort with little more than subjugation and oppression on their agendas. The once proud Mandalorians seek nothing more than to see the galaxy burn.

But none stop to think about the people they exploit, and those that do are too weak to even defend themselves. This can no longer be the status quo. Chaos will no longer reign with greed and selfish lust for power.

In the wake of the collapse of order in the Outer Rim, several planets grew tired of the neglect and the exploitation by neighbouring powers.

With the help of various corporate backers, several planets banded together to form a coalition, electing Rothana as the capital. Taking the banner of the old Confederacy Independent Systems, the fledgeling Confederacy seeks to restore stability to their regions and bring peace to their troubled worlds...and then the Galaxy.

Peace and order is not a luxury, it is a right to every soul in the galaxy. We are The Confederacy, and we shall deliver that right.

Staff member

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