Working up the plot for our initial faction thread.
After sending out the holomessage here, Sila is gathering herself on Theartarra. From there she's going to start gathering resources, meaning people and materials to start rebuilding the Chiss Ascendancy. First, a plan has to be made. So, our first faction thread will be whoever received the message come to theatarra to meet with Sila and just talk. See where we are at and where we want to go.
How does this sound?
After sending out the holomessage here, Sila is gathering herself on Theartarra. From there she's going to start gathering resources, meaning people and materials to start rebuilding the Chiss Ascendancy. First, a plan has to be made. So, our first faction thread will be whoever received the message come to theatarra to meet with Sila and just talk. See where we are at and where we want to go.
How does this sound?