Factory Standardized Rules

Players are also encouraged to read and often quote the rules where appropriate.

Table of Contents


General Factory Rules

1. Maintain a polite and constructive dialogue with Factory Staff at all times. Be respectful.
2. Do not bump your submissions.
3. Factory submissions may only be introduced into role-play threads whose start date begins after the submission's posted date.
4. Plagairism is prohibited.
5. Submissions must follow
restricted or banned item guidelines.
6. All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundam Wings, no Transformers, etc.
7. All measurements in all submissions must be in metric.
8. A submission cannot have a higher production rating than the submission used in its creation.
9. Using submissions by other writers requires proof of their permission if marked Closed Market.

10. SSD/Dreadnought/Superweapons require Admin approval.


General Submission Guidelines

1. All manufacturers and affiliations must be properly sourced with provided links.
2. All submissions should reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their materials and components for transparency and fair play.
3. Language that could be interpreted to force another writer to do something they do not wish for their character is prohibited.
4. All canon item submissions are to be treated as replicas and can be claimed/reproduced by multiple players.
5. A
Unique submission is generally regarded to be an item, weapon or ship that is meant for PC use, the affiliations should match accordingly.


Pre-Factory Forum Rules [x]

1. Submissions posted to the Live Factory requiring significant work may be returned to the Pre-Factory by a member of Factory staff.
2. The Pre-Factory is for Work In Progress (WIP) Submissions only.
3. WIP Submissions will not be deleted nor archived nor moved from the Pre-Factory forum.
4. WIP Submissions, when finished, must be resubmitted to their respective Factory forum.
5. Members may use the
Feedback prefix to indicate they seek other members' advice on Pre-Factory submissions.
6. Members will not comment on threads that do not have the
Feedback prefix.
7. Spamming, trolling, and drama in the the Pre-Factory will incur a minimum of a
30 days Factory/Codex ban.


Technology Forum Rules [x]
  • Fully constructed Lightsabers and Forcesabers are restricted to a maximum of Semi-Unique production.
  • The Armor Rating Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This armor rating is considered to be very strong and is usually used when dealing with semi-unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.


Vehicle Forum Rules [x]
  • Mechs, Walkers, and War Droids, in Star Wars have an iconic, industrial feel. They are not Gundams, Warhammer 40k, Zoids, Titans of Titan Fall, or any sort of extremely over-sized robot with humanoid features and/or erratic animal-esque movements. The permitted aesthetics for all of these items mentioned are those which can be held up to existing, canon examples of Mechs, Walkers, or War Droids.

    Note: If it's bigger than an AT-ST [9-10M] it shouldn't have arms or shoulders. A more indepth explanation can be found here.


Starships Forum Rules [x]
  • Civilian vessels/stations are defined as having an armament rating of 'None' and, if they have a hangar rating, should not be able to field a compliment of starfighters in a combat capacity.
  • For rules on what ships can be owned, operated and manufactured by a Major Faction, Minor Faction, Company or an Individual, please refer to the following table.


Major Factions Rules
  • Only a Major Faction has the resources necessary to role-play having a large fleet, army, etc.


Super Star Destroyers / Dreadnoughts
  • Acquiring a Super Star Destroyer / Dreadnought will be restricted to Major Factions. Acquisition will follow Dominion rules.
  • A major faction, upon completing their second dominion of the calendar month, may begin their third eligible Dominion as a SSD / Dreadnought dominion thread.
  • A SSD/Dreadnought factory submission requires admin approval. They are not available for use until they have been approved.
  • An SSD is permitted to be any size larger than 5,001m within reason, a Dreadnought will be permitted to range from 5001m to 7000m.
  • A unique SSD is permitted one extra point when balancing.
  • A semi-unique Dreadnought submission must be a single submission of 3 ships of the same class.
  • Each SSD must be labeled Unique, each Dreadnought submission must be Semi-Unique.
  • No player may captain a SSD / Dreadnought without the Major Faction Owner's consent.
  • If a Major Faction is recalled, merged into another Major Faction, or drops to minor, any SSD / Dreadnought created must be decommissioned and archived.
  • While SSDs may be destroyed or scuttled, they cannot be stolen by an opposing Faction.
  • Major Factions that are tied to mandates that prohibit rebellions are excluded from building SSDs or dreadnoughts.
  • Major Factions that are permitted more than three dominions per month may still only submit a single SSD or Dreadnought submission after their third dominion.
  • Dominions submitted must be started and completed within the same month to qualify for an SSD submission.


  • Superweapons may only be submitted to the Factory by a Major Faction that has given the 7-day notice of an Annihilation thread, or has started an Annihilation.
  • Only one Superweapon may exist per Annihilation thread. e.g. Major Faction A has launched 2 Annihilation threads. It may own 2 Superweapons.
  • Superweapons require official two-level approval. They are not considered approved until they have been approved by a factory judge and a RPJ/Admin.
  • Each Superweapon must be subbed at unique.
  • No player may deploy a Superweapon without the respective Major Faction Owner’s permission.
  • If a Major Faction is recalled, merged into another Major Faction, or drops to minor, any Superweapon created must be decommissioned and archived.
  • While a Superweapon may be destroyed, it can not be stolen by the members of another faction.

Submission Modifications
  • After a submission has been approved, it will be locked. If you wish to make a modification to it, you may post a request to have the Submission moved to the Factory Modifications Forum to make edits HERE.
  • All Submission modifications must be posted by the same account/author of the original submission in question.
  • A brief summary of the changes to a submission should be made at the bottom of a submission each time it is modified before being moved back to the Live Factory.
  • All Submission Modifications must adhere to current Factory Rules and Templates.
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