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· Name: Flesh Collar
· Intent: To make up for a deficiency in population upon the remote world of Ghul in the areas of industry, manufacturing, basic labor, and war.
· Manufacturer: The Ruling...
The "Praxeum" that he had been informed about was far different than what the Arue'tii had initially expected when informed about its existence. Of course, he hadn't entirely expected to the place to be nearly as bloody and vicious as a One Sith temple, but simultaneously it was the only type of...
For all the time that Abelain had spent exploring the galaxy, and for all of the metropolises and urban areas that he had run across, he had never quite grown used to the overwhelming amount of noise common in heavily populated places. His own home world had been inhabited by a remarkably low...
One could get lost in the gentle whirring noise that echoed throughout the hallways around the engineering stations of the vessel. It continued without pause, a constant shift of machinery rebounding against its casing as it provided thrust for those aboard. Occasionally, there were minor...
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
The sign outside of Frida's Spaceport Cantina did not raise Abelain's confidence in the establishment. It seemed rather rundown, and the general appearance of the structure was shoddy at best. Despite that, he had followed his newly made ally into the structure to...
[member="Thresco Jorr"]
The Paladin floated eerily through space, easily distinguishable from the minor ships that seemed to be docking with the rather pitiful station. The station itself was rather small, and only really discernible from a distance by the flock of smaller ships buzzing around...
[member="Darth Erebos"]
There was a gentle calm that seemed to have spread over the ship in the past days. There was little doubt in Abelain's mind that it had something to do with the way he had been defeated upon the planet of Ziost by a Dark Jedi. He had returned broken, and nearly crippled...