Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  NZ C.H.A.R.M.01 [Concentrated Hypermatter Active Reactor Module]

    Image source: [X] Permissions: HPI [X], FAE [X] STANDARD FEATURES Magnetised Infinium 1458 Core Hypermatter injection system Impervium and Tunqstoid reinforced Ersteel 145 Heat and radiation shielding Carbonite coated Tunqstoid control rods Electrum inner plating with neuralium lining Ion flux...
  2. Credius Nargath

    Approved Tech  NZ AIMS-01 Active Internal Maneuvrability System

    Image Source: [X] Permissions: FAE [X] STANDARD FEATURES Active Aero parts Tetra polycarbonite Adaptive and reactive Rudders and flaps Tetra polycarbonite Heat shields Ersteel 145 Surface nozzles Fuel rerouting system NZ RAS-1 Missile Propulsion system coldoan copper wiring with electrum...
  3. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION TALES || Active Thread List

    A C T I V E T H R E A D S Welcome! Below you'll find a list of our ongoing threads and their current status. If you have any questions, please post them in our FAQ! Title Type Status A Place Called Home Faction Open to Join Moon's Haunted Faction Open to Join
  4. Balun Dashiell

    Active Threads

    Faction Threads The following threads are Faction specific Active Threads: 1. The Family Business. Closed Threads: None.
  5. Tefka

    What Minor Factions are currently active and developing storylines?

    Just curious, feel free to advertise, Major Factions will get banned.
  6. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Tech  Active Matrix Armor Mk I

    Active Matrix Armor OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create trooper armor capable of active camouflage Image Source: Midjourney, prompted by me. Animated camoflage effect with Jasc Animation Shop Canon Link: Photoreactive Armor Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  7. Kitter Bitters

    Discussion  Which Factions are Active?

    It’s very hard to tell just by glancing. I had jumped into chat to see about the different Mando factions but people suggested a post on the board might be the best way to tell. Then I realized newer members might be interested in all the factions but not sure which ones are kicking. So maybe...
  8. Noah Corek

    Hekler'Kok 'Dome' Active Protection System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an active protection system that Hekler'Kok can market to various interested parties Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries Affiliation...
  9. Caltin Vanagor

    LFG  Looking to get active again.

    Alright. I'm not going to sit here and blow smoke, saying that I want to run every thread under the sun, but I would like to get going again. I find this is easier to do with ideas mapped out in my head. So... I am looking at a possible "slow burn" story leading up to a final confrontation...
  10. P

    Active Middle Ground Force Groups

    I was doing some thinking, and watching of Rebels, whatever. The Dark Side, there are many different shades, the Sith, the Inquisitors, Nightsisters, the Dark Jedi. The Light Side, there are a few that match, the Jedi, some witches, some Jenssarai Who has an active character that is in one of...
  11. Aeshi Tillian

    Thread Tracker

    Uncharted: Worlds of Light (Forcers exploration/mystery arc) Rescue Service, Away!: Search and Rescue in the Remnants of Csilla Itera-n Nova: Working with the Rebellion to outspend the local criminal elements to start shifting the power base The Grand Cruise: A cruise on the Dream of the Rim...
  12. C

    Faction Active Threads

    Active Threads for Jedi to get involved in will be placed here every time a new RP Opportunity comes up for the Faction. Faction Threads: Answers, for those who Seek - Jedi Master Coren Starchaser invites Jedi from all origins to assist in the discovery of an ancient Jedi Temple having been...
  13. Cedric Grayson

    Active Threads

    In Remembrance: Following the annihilation of Csilla, the Ashlans gather at the Graywall to celebrate in the memory of lives lost according to Ashlan tradition. Scramble For The Arm: NIO and Ashlan officials meet in a tavern outside the Graywall to discuss economic and military aid.
  14. Paragon of Virtue

    [ Faction ] Active Threads

    Here you will find a list of our ongoing threads. If you have started a CIS thread, simply post the link with a brief description of the event below! Faction staff will update the listing below regularly in tandem with the Active Threads channel found on Discord. October Dominions A Touch of...
  15. Ara Zambrano

    Faction Thread Tracker

    Welcome First Order Citizens! Looking for a thread to jump in on? Look no further! Below you will find a list of active Faction threads open to all members! Feel free to peruse around and jump on in when ready! Have a thread to add to the list? Fill out the following form and post below and...
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