Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Braze

    Approved Planet  Veridia

    OOC Info Veridia Dall-E » Intent: To introduce Veridia as a strategic resource hub and a hidden refuge for those seeking knowledge of the Force. The planet embodies a unique blend of traditional governance and societal structures with the onset of modernization and increased interaction with...
  2. Braze

    Approved Armor  FFS Force User Battle Armor

    DESCRIPTION The FFS Force User Battle Armor, is crafted by Braze to be a more standardized and some what lesser version of the Phoenix Fire Armor for members of the Tingle Arm Coalition. It merges Jedi craftsmanship with advanced technology. Designed for superior protection, it utilizes...
  3. Braze

    Approved Tech  Krysteel "Kyber Iron"

    Dall-E SPECIAL FEATURES Exceptional Hardness: Highly durable and resistant to damage. Force Sensitivity: Enhances the abilities of Force-sensitive users. Color-Shifting: Changes color based on the wielder's connection to the Force. Elemental Attunement: Capable of channeling elemental...
  4. Braze

    Approved Tech  Adamantite "Metal of Legends"

    SPECIAL FEATURES Exceptional Hardness: Strong and hard to break or dent. Unique Sheen: Reflects a blue sheen under candlelight and a purple-white sheen under daylight. Dense and Heavy: Weighs more than typical metals, providing unmatched strength. Dark Appearance: Mostly appears as a dark gray...
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