Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Salazar Niminen

    Work In Progress  49th "Adder" Independent Squadron

    49th "Adder" Independent Squadron OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Making an independent squadron out of the 10 C-90 Cruisers available Image Credit: Wookiepedia (Edited) Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: 49th "Adder" Independent Squadron Classification...
  2. Adder

    Approved Tech  The Viper

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Submit a new armor for a new purpose for a new Adder. Image Source: Canon Link: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Adder Affiliation: Adder Model: The Viper Modularity: External...
  3. Adder

    Approved Starship  The Sundancer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Submit a new fighter for Adder after the old one exploded into fiery bits over Tython. Image Source: X | X | Edits by me Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: Phrik Engines and Stuff Coils and Curriculum Primary Source: X | X PRODUCTION...
  4. Kurt Meyer

    Engines and Stuff

    Kalinda University [member="Adder"] This. This was something he knew. Sort of. Engines, thrusters, everything that had to do with ships and vehicles had always fallen into his wheelhouse. It was why he had come here in the first place, why he had thought he could actually do things at...
  5. Naomi Carolina

    Burning Summer

    [member="Adder"] [member="Asmus Janes"] (if he wants in) ooc/ this is meant to be a thread open to short scenes or clips from the lives of wraith squadron members. Feel free to set the scene or change it. Feel free to jump in and out of this thread whenever you need to or change the time period...
  6. Adder

    Approved Tech  Adder's cybernetic arm

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Finally submit that damn cybernetic arm. Adder’s been waiting long enough. Image Source: X Canon Link: X | X Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Yours truly. Model: / Production: Unique Affiliation: Adder Modularity...
  7. Adder

    Approved Starship  The Phantom Limb

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Adder’s starfighter. Image Source: X Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: / PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Adder Model: / Affiliation: Adder Production: Unique Material: Fiberplast, Agrinium, Starship components...
  8. Aela Talith

    We'll Begin Soon

    [member="Adder"] Stealth had never been her area of expertise. In fact, most would say it was the skill she underutilized the most. She could have learned it at one point, her mother was a Master at stealth, could even cloak herself in the force. Yet Aela had never had much of a need for that...
  9. Aela Talith

    Leaving So Soon?

    Aela wandered through the Jedi Temple, half concern pulling at her face. The New Jedi Temple on Sullust was huge, the underground facility spanning for miles and the above ground bubble raising several stories into the air. The place was big enough to house thousands, if not hundreds of...
  10. Aela Talith


    [member="Adder"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] This was ridiculous. Ludicrous. Preposterous. Entirely out of the question. She couldn't go out in public like this. She couldn't wander in front of her fellow Jedi like this. She couldn't work undercover dressed like this. It was stupid...
  11. Aela Talith

    Three New Faces

    [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Adder"] Aela rushed through the halls of the New Jedi Temple on Sullust. She wore her Vanguard armor, her lightsaber clipped to her belt, her bracers wrapped around her forearms, and her hair wrapped in a tight braid. The eldest Talith was ready for...
  12. Aela Talith

    The Alliance

    A few days had gone by, the trip to the outer rim taking longer than had first been expected. The Rising Tide had to cut through a few factions in order to reach Sullust, the worst of which was the One Sith. The way the hyperlanes worked out made that an unfortunate fact, but luckily the ship...
  13. Aela Talith

    A Walk On The Wild Side

    Aela rushed through the darkned back alleys, wind smacking against her face and rain splattering against her clothing. Heavy breaths caused her chest to rise and fall, her arms held tightly at her side, her hand clutching her lightsaber tightly. Her eyes scanned through the city streets...
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