Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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aldric laurent

  1. Sycorax Laveaux

    Private  Two-Faced

    The transition to her new office on Fondor had been difficult. Not only was the Senator of Dahrtag afflicted with a mysterious illness, she also had to deal with the usual trials and tribulations associated with moving to another planet. She couldn't seem to find anything in her new office...
  2. Aldric Laurent

    Character  Aldric Laurent, Missing in Action

    SOCIETAL Name: Aldric Laurent Alias: "Kath Hound" Homeworld: Dantooine Residence: Unknown Marital Status: Divorced Affiliation: Various Rebel Cells Galactic Alliance (formerly) SIA (formerly) Rank: Senior Agent (formerly) Force Sensitivity: Force-attuned APPEARANCE Species...
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