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TAGS: Loomi
// Dm before joining
I Think We're Alone Now
Braze settled down on the Mud Duck's cargo bay, a space that had been thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, courtesy of Kaelos Vryn . The dimly lit bay was filled with the faint smell of fresh cleaning supplies and the distant hum of...
Location: Vagar Praxut System, Apocalypse Class Battle Cruiser
Equipment: Silent Blades
Wearing: MK I Nightsuit
Language Legend: "Galactic Basic"
Tags: Torn Eskol
Silence... That was the sound that echoed through the bridge of the Apocalypse Class Battle Cruiser as it drifted through the...
The young-looking woman was actually several hundred years old. This did not mean she acted that old. Her soul was old, and her body was young. She had been through life, death, and life again. She had traveled the Netherworld agelessly for 400 years and, for the past 50 or so, had lived in...
Tags: Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber
She'd made a request to meet at least one of the Vanagor's when she'd received the message Romi had sent her. Knowing of their deeds, but knowing little otherwise about them...
Coruscant was a terrible place for Gatz to be.
There was a bounty on his head, and the metaphorical price tag hanging from his ear had six zeroes attached to it. It was his reward, and his penance, for daring to spit in a crime lord's eye by trying to dismantle his slaving operation. Most...
Far beyond the heart of civilization, from the Core Worlds and past the Outer Rim, the Unknown Regions were known to be perilous for a reason. More mapped than Wild Space but no more explored, these outer reaches were plagued with dangers ranging from black holes to gravity wells, supernovae and...
The planet of Javaal was not a planet one thinks about in the realms of the rest of galactic history. Outside of a footnote in the era of the Great Sith War, it sat only as an unimportant rock on the galactic route north of Coruscant towards Ansion.
But to the crew of the Angel, it was a trap...
Dominion of Subterrel
The Subterrel system does not look like much at first glance. It is not a planet of grand cities, legendary exploits or immaculate culture; it is not a world that is renowned for its political power nor its beauty. But, to those plotting to supply an army, the mineral-rich...
Location: Aboard the Marzanna, Tanaab system
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Cynthia Solus
Velmorite bladed lightsabers
Comm device
Blaster pistol
Mairéad had escaped from Dromund Kaas but by the skin of her teeth and she had had to make terrible actions to accomplish this...
Trapped alone on a derelict battleship in space, only the Void hears your muffled cries. Your crew is dead, your thoughts empty.
It would be a thousand years before anyone found you. Hopeless and alone, you hear a small voice at the edge of your crumbling sanity....
"...submit some scary...
The ship had fuel, just not enough to go anywhere very fast. It had been drifting for 1,248 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes, and 32 seconds... And time just kept crawling by. For an average sentient being, three and a half years adrift is a miserably long time, but for a being that experiences time...
Unknown Space
851 ABY - Into the Darkness
It was cold.
The blood on the walls was completely frozen, his heart beat at the pace of an exhausted porg, and every single crackle of the fire sent flutters through his heart. The Tomcat sat completely frozen in unknown space, it's power and...
Heol Wraith
17 Years Old
5"9 1/2
160 lb
Blood Red Eyes, Hood does not cover it in the light
Is not hooded in front of his master. Reveals dark red hair.
A bit tanned in comparison to the normal cream color.
Sith Assassins (Currently), Neutral...
It was a planet that was not famous. Nor was it a planet of much use.
At least not anymore.
This world had once been a fortress, a staging area for war. Many different factions had used it. The New Republic, the Yuuzhan Vong, even the Galactic Alliance. All of them at one point or...
I will be leaving the factions that I am currently with. (I might stay with a few of the Minor factions as they are just "groups" and I will now be going out on my own once more. Being aligned with no one other than the wind and the stars. So I will be kind of restarting my life. If anybody is...