Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Amiggie Lutih

    Private  Shore Leave

    Location: The Hanged Man Space Cantina located near the Hypergate Chandaar Regular Outfit "Hit me again chief!" "Amiggie that's 15th Grog you've chugged down tonight." "Hey! Not my fault this chit isn't strong! So shut your trap and fill me up!" The Ovissian bartender: Craig was a nice...
  2. Amara Niri

    Character  Amara Niri

    AMARA NIRI Music TBA Full name Amara Niri Aliases Ami Amara Niri Class(es) Jedi(Padawan) Current Homeworld Tython Age Early Twenties Personality Traits Determined Intuitive Belief in village traditions Loyal Stubborn Impatient Overly Trusting Difficulty letting go of past...
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