Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tass Arceneau

    Telomeric replicator outbreak on Ammuud!

    A bioweapon known as a telomeric replicator has caused a spaceport quarantine on the Outer Rim planet Ammuud. The infection, spread through contact, fluid, or airborne particulates, rapidly de-ages humanoids by an average of ten years, though no known cases have caused physical regression past...
  2. Tass Arceneau

    Private  Top Gluk

    AMMUUD FORMER LEVANTINE SANCTUM TERRITORY TINGEL ARM After six weeks learning traditional ridership, the pterosaurs still wanted to eat him. This felt unfair. Oh, they were well trained here at the city's racing eyries, they'd carried him through ring courses and canyon runs alike, but the way...
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