Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jerbaah Durik

    Character  Jerbaah Durik

    JERBAAH DURIK Age 44 GSY Species Anzellan Gender Male Height 0.23 Meters (Normal) 1.80 Meters (Shell) Weight 0.10 kg (Normal) 77 kg (Shell) Force Sensitive No Voice Claim Babu Frik (Normal) Scourge (Shell) INVENTORY Equipment An IG-12 like mech, made from Mandalorian armor and...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved NPC  Bobbajo, Workshop Master

    Bobbajo Biographical Information Titles Enclave Technician Workshop Master Homeworld Anzell Species Anzellan Gender Male Pronouns He/Him Skin Color Brown Height 0.22 meters (9in) Affiliation(s) Gatherers Jakku Jedi Enclave "His meticulous nature...
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