Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ova Ziss

    Approved Vehicle  Speederboat - Aquatic Speederbike

    United Industrial Speederboat (aka Aquatic Speederbike) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a futuristic jet ski watercraft. Image Source: Chrysler Synthesis interior desktop background Canon Link: Speederboat Permissions: Usable by anybody and even by stores without permission, so...
  2. Mig Gred

    Approved Starship  Influunt-class Aquatic Utility Corvette

    ( STANDARD FEATURES 2x Claw cranes 3x Ion-jet engines 2x Aquatic trawler engines Durasteel hull Standard shield package Basic scanner pack Single ship hanger...
  3. Commodore Helix

    Approved Tech  RBQ "Leviathan" Heavy Aquatic Battle Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a heavy-duty subaquatic soldier for Helix Solutions Image Source: Link Canon Link: Aqua Droid Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Wookiepedia, Aqua Droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Helix Solutions Affiliation: Helix Solutions Market...
  4. Commodore Helix

    Approved Tech  KBQ "Kraken" Aquatic Infantry Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a specialized underwater infantry unit for Helix Solutions Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Helix Solutions Affiliation: Helix Solutions Market Status: Closed-Market...
  5. Tefka

    New Feature  Aquatic Flairs Update

    There's a crazy man frothing at the mouth on Discord shouting "MORE". Here you go, please stop taking whatever it is you're taking.
  6. Siobhan Kerrigan

    Approved Tech  Nautilus Aquatic Combat Suit

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sub a toy. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Blanket permission for subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here. Primary Source: N/A. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Firemane Industries. Affiliation: Firemane Industries. Market...
  7. Kal

    Approved Species  Lorinian/Erakhian Dragon Turtles

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Massive turtle-like creature. Similarities with whales, crocodiles, and dolphins. Image Credit: 玄武 by Xision Wu and Ridgeback Dragon Turtle by Pencil Equipped. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Subnautica (Especially the Reefback), Dragon Turtles (Artist...
  8. Mariah of House Marr

    Approved Tech  Personal Aquatic Enviro-shield Generator

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An underwater survival method/thread inspired design Image Source: Link Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Mariah Marr designer, designs permitted to be produced by anyone for a small profit portion...
  9. 4ND-R0

    Approved Species  Tuatahi

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: As with the Valkyri and the Norse, this species is to offer a Pan-Polynesian equivalence to players that so wish to play it. This is in addition to further flesh out the newer, albeit lightly explored lore of Scarif. Image Credit: Here Canon: N/A Links...
  10. Vulpesen

    Approved Species  Cythrax Cat

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To increase Veradune’s Fauna once again. As usual, make something possible cuddly, always deadly ​Image Credit: Canon: N/A Links: GENERAL...
  11. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  Coral Cuties

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for their ‘Aquatics’ line. ​Image Credit: Chatsticker | GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Coral Cuties ™ Designation: Non-Sentient...
  12. Katria Vekarr

    Approved Vehicle  Hydra Aquatic Aerial Carrier

    In action: OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a air to water vehicle to carry and deploy a submersible and tow floating facilities. Image Source: Both Here. Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Albatross Submersible PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  13. Cassandra Paige

    Approved Species  SeaSnugs

    [float right][/float] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new GenPal for their new ‘Aquatics’ line. ​Image Credit: QVI, bananamantis, CitrusFoam, Fumi-Lex, GenPals Logos created by me. Canon: N/A Links: Created by GenPals GENERAL INFORMATION Name: SeaSnugs ™...
  14. L

    Approved Species  Azure Aquadon

    AZURE AQUADON SPECIES INFORMATION Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Manaan Also found on Mon Calamari Maramere Kamino Naboo Language: Grunts, Growls, Roars, and Body Language Average Length of Adults: 50 Meters Skin color: Blue, Grey, Beige Hair color: None Breathes: Type 1; Aquatic...
  15. I

    Approved Species  Kaymen

    Images: Monster Hunter, Capcom Name: Kaymen Designation: Non-sentient Homeworld: Zanjiani Language: None Average height of adults: 4 meters (around 13 feet) standing on all fours from toe to head Skin color: White Varrying shades of black Blue scale tips Hair color: None Breathes: Type I...
  16. The_dark_dream


    Name: Eldrazial (EL-Drah-Zee-Ail) Designation: [Sentient) Homeworld: avolus 2 Language: Galactic standard Average height of adults: 2 meters Skin color: blue, green, aqua, grey, purple, tan. Hair color: none (it is not typical of them to have hair) Breathes: Oxygen Via their gills and nose...
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