Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Model: Zeta Phase Echo

    SPECIAL FEATURES Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and worn as an attachment for the wrist aand disperses millions of particles with sub-atomic projectors. Free Thinking: The hardlight projections take on traits through the computer of the user...
  2. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Model: Iota Armory System

    Image Credit: Xenosaga SPECIAL FEATURES Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and worn as an attachment for the wrist. STRENGTHS Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if it could be...
  3. Bellum Spiritus

    The Armory's Manifest

    Below lies the armory of the Legio Fortitudinis, filled with weapons and armor forged from the spoils of war and refined through generations of battle. Each weapon, armor, and chemical reflects the Legio's strength and unyielding pursuit of conquest. OOC Note: Feel free to use any of these if...
  4. Severon Valgor

    Legio Fortitudinis Armory

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Severon Valgor Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Legio Fortitudinis CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Legio Fortitudinis Armory Headquarters: Omnia Locations: Omnia Operations: Starships Weapons Parent Corporation: N/A Subsidiaries: N/A...
  5. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Sasori Model: Experimental Titan Class HSA

    Image Credit: Uranos SPECIAL FEATURES Size: Designed to be small at first, the rings serve as one side of an extensive design. Each ring able to be thrown and suspended in the air with thousands of them. Armory: Designed to be a vitual starship armory that can be deployed across the galaxy...
  6. Kama Nu

    Factory  Kaminoan Engineering

    KAMINOAN ENGINEERING OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [HERE] Canon Link(s): [HERE] Primary Source(s): n/a CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Kaminoan Engineering Headquarters: Kamino Additional Locations: Bora Vio Wayland Operations: Starshipwright...
  7. Darth Strosius

    Inquisitorial Armory of Faldos

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Cobbled together by myself Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Inquisitorial Armory of Faldos Headquarters: Faldos Locations: Faldos System Operations: Shipbuilding, Scavenging, Weapons Manufacturing...
  8. P

    Pentastar Alignment Armory

    The Pentastar Alignment War Inventory Notes! Be mindful of product availability when building fleets/armies for the Corporate Sector Authority. Keep things realistic. Starship listing will be given according to the Anaxes War College System, not the submission's listed classification...
  9. Aedan Miles


    Weapons: Armor: Ships: Starfighters: Stations: NPC Units: Important Locations:
  10. Akhuul Sautra

    Approved Location  Armories of Sautra Vokh

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document the storage rooms that house various unused weapons made by the Derumic Androids located on Sautra Vokh. Image Credit: Original found as part of a Twitter post and snipped to be its own picture, Red Edit by Ingrid L'lerim Canon: N/A Permissions...
  11. R

    I want to create a character specialized in mineralogy and armory, Any takers?

    I want to create a character who's specialty is some sort of armorer cum prospector of sorts. Preferably a force user of some sort. Any takers?
  12. Alli Vern

    ZU Armory

    This includes submissions what EE members are free to use as equipment, and the like. If someone has written a submission and would like to add it to the list, write a post in this thread or tell one of the staff...
  13. Ishani Dinn

    Open Market Submissions List

    Image Credit: Joon Ahn Mercenary Companies: Gellenbright Securities Droid Complement: X13 Paladin-series Synthmarine X14 Stryder-series Droid Skirmisher MV-D1 Vanguard-series Aerial War Droid X15 Avalanche-series war droids A-57 'Conrad' Battle Droid Vehicles: Hellhound-series Light...
  14. K

    Resource Stockpile (Armory)

    Fighters Freighters Frigates Ships of the Line Carriers Weapons Vehicles Armor
  15. Roudac Gannan

    First Order Armory [Factory Info]

    The First Order maintains an impressive armory, which ranges from civilian to military systems, components, weapons and vessels. Utilizing the latest technologies, in conjunction with advanced and improved manufacturing methods, the First Order maintains a level of prestige with adaptable and...
  16. W

    Sanguine Weapon Chamber

    WIP to link all submission for the Sanguinity
  17. Laertia Io

    Laertia's Armory

    Here is where Laertia's future subs go Intent: To create Laertia's Starting Armor Image Source: Canon Link: Primary Source:
  18. grammaticus

    Clan Armory

    Here is the armory of Clan Kell, all the resources that we have on hand and are able to freely use.
  19. Nine Lives

    Nine's Armory

    This is for Nine's factory items. First up: Sword of Mercy Intent: To create a relic for Lilla Syren Image Source: Canon Link: Force Imbued Blade Primary Source:
  20. Aela Talith

    Available Technology

    Company Products Available To Us: Vanir Technologies Product Line BlasTech Product Line PharmaTech Product Line Haven Shipyards Incom Corporation Product Line Faction Products Available To Us: Subversion Class Carrier
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