Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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arris windrun

  1. Arris Windrun

    Private  Blood in the Mud

    NAR KAAGA - Hutt Space - It rains on Nar Kaaga. The destitute, wayward, and enduring left their impressions in the mud. Arris Windrun left her own mark, too. The cybernetic misfit spit blood into a puddle. "Ready for round two?" A voice called out from the Rowdy crowd, answered only by...
  2. Arris Windrun

    Character  Arris Windrun

    ARRIS WINDRUN Character art by AlpYro [Source] Age 31 Species Talusian (Human) Gender Woman Height 5'10" Weight 228 lbs Force Sensitive Latent PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Arris is a human with visible cybernetics and implant seams in her skin. Her blonde hair is usually tied up in a...
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