Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. GAL Ltd.

    Approved Starship  Loki Attack Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a highly Maneuverable Patrol Ship Image Source: Is here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Lucerne Labs, my subs Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd. with tech from Lucerne Labs Affiliation: Royal Naboo...
  2. Anja Doreva

    Approved Starship  Marauder II-Class Attack Corvette

    D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S Intent: Create Corvette Image Source: Here | Edits by me Canon Link: Corvette Permissions: Roble stuff | Hex Inc. Stuff | GDI Stuff | Maji Ironworks Stuff Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: Doreva Industries Affiliation: Doreva Industries, The...
  3. Anja Doreva

    Approved Starship  Javelin-Class Attack Corvette

    D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S Intent: Create Corvette Image Source: Here | Edits by me Canon Link: Corvette Permissions: Roble stuff | Hex Inc. Stuff | GDI Stuff | Maji Ironworks Stuff Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: Anja Doreva and Doreva Industries Affiliation: Doreva...
  4. Taeli Raaf

    Request  Age of Chaos: Choose the Next Expansion II: Attack of the Cards

    Greetings Chaos! So, with work on the Mandalorian commander deck cards about done, will be posting those soon, and I've already started figuring out the droid mini set, it is time to see what everyone might want to see for the next expansion of the cards I've been making. The poll will have a...
  5. Casteban Mecetti

    Approved Starship  Tie/ha 'Jester' Heavy Attack Starfighter Prototype

    Tie/ha 'Jester' Heavy Attack Starfighter Prototype OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a rare advanced heavy attack starfighter for characters that wish to punch above their weight in fleet combat. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions...
  6. Glar Ulchtar

    Approved Starship  ZR-950 “Deathray” Personal Attack Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique spaceship for my character, which serves as his mobile home and vessel for bounty hunting. Image Source: (X) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: DuroTech Affiliation: Glar Ulchtar...
  7. Velran Kilran

    Dominion  Attack of the Clones! Dominion on New Alderaan (EOTL)

    When Grand Admiral Velran Kilran entire Stormtrooper division rebelled against him due to Kilran's mistreatment of them during his reign as ruler of New Alderaan, he sought to create a Clone Army to replace them. Created from the last genetic strands of the infamous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter...
  8. Glar Ulchtar

    Ready For Judge  ZR-950 “Deathray” Personal Attack Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique spaceship for my character, which serves as his mobile home and vessel for bounty hunting. Image Source: (X) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: DuroTech Affiliation: Glar Ulchtar...
  9. Angelus Hafey

    Approved Starship  TIE/MAS - Missile Attack Starfighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Special Request for Melli for Empire of the Lost Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Magenta Permission Permission V2 Permission V3 Permission V4 Robles Open Use Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Angel Arms Affiliation...
  10. Ender

    Public  Decisions, Decisions…

    I think that I will go to the planet Ukatis, to help the Mandalorian Enclave win this war against those “Galactic Alliance” disgraced, who have ruined the inner core. I will gather my armour, weapons and gear and be off in my ship. We will ruin the Galactic Alliance. This is the way.
  11. Celt Saxon

    Mission  Cursed Wind - Mandalorian Gas Attack

    A Cursed Wind Mandalorian Assault Mission The Enclave Mission parameters Nominated Command: Alor'ad Celt Saxon Location: Outpost PK-79 - Ra'Katha Mission start time: 0945 local time Primary Objective: Conduct assault on Garrison command and evaluate chemical warfare techniques Secondary...
  12. Avelion

    Approved Starship  Javelin-Class Attack Corvette

    Intent: Create Corvette Image Source: Here | Edits by me Canon Link: Corvette Permissions: Roble stuff | Hex Inc. Stuff | GDI Stuff | Maji Ironworks Stuff Primary Source: NA Manufacturer: Hester Shedo of Sterdo Industries Affiliation: House Renoux of the Braxant Covenant Market Status...
  13. Kyriaki

    Approved Vehicle  Stiletto Class Fast Attack Ship

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Expand on Tephrike. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tephrike Affiliation: Tephrike Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Stiletto Class Fast Attack Ship Modularity: Limited. Ordnance...
  14. Liin Terallo

    LFG  Attack Inside the Dome

    Hello! I am wondering if there are any writers out there that would like to participate in a story involving an attack inside one of the biodomes of New Cov? For those of you that do not know about the biodomes; they cover the cities and protect the population from the deadly flora and fauna of...
  15. Xeykard

    LFG  Attack on Mek-Sha

    team rocket is blasting off again What's up gamers. I'm writing the lizard wizard again. Really out here tryna cook so stay with me. Going to be writing Xeykard's forces attacking the shadowport of Mek-Sha (would bigly recommend reading the whole sub, it's pretty good). Mek-Sha is an asteroid...
  16. Jax Thio

    Private  Hard Target

    Location: Alderaan Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch Tag: Alicio Organa While Jax wasn't enthused being back on Alderaan, it did feel refreshing hanging out with Caltin Vanagor. For all of his bull-headed stubbornness...
  17. Nyrasa Emrick

    Approved Tech  ID-1 Attack Drone

    Intent: A supply of droids to assist TC-SC "Cairo" during jobs Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: HPI Consortium Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: HRC Affiliation: TC-SC "Cairo" Market Status: Closed-Market Model: ID-1 Modularity: Yes. Production: Semi-Unique Material: Duraplast...
  18. Nyrasa Emrick

    Work In Progress  ID-1 Attack Drone

    Intent: A supply of droids to assist TC-SC "Cairo" during jobs Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: HPI Consortium Primary Source: N/A Manufacturer: HRC Affiliation: TC-SC "Cairo" Market Status: Closed-Market Model: ID-1 Modularity: Yes. Production: Semi-Unique Material: Duraplast...
  19. Haon Hafey

    Approved Starship  "Mandalore's Fist" Citadel Light Attack Freighter

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a very mean, dedicated Attack Light Freighter. Challenging self and wanting to make people scream in fear. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel Affiliation...
  20. Aculia Voland

    Approved Starship  AVSFL-2 "War Hawk" Ground Attack Fighter-XIII Battlegroup

    A War Hawk stationed in a carrier. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated ground attack/SEAD variant for the Elysium Empire, specifically the XIII Battlegroup. Image Source: Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Here you go Primary Source: Original Minor Production War Hawk...
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