Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mercy

    Private  Try Try Again

    Avalore Mercy could often be found in Ashin Cardé Varanin 's shooting range these days. There was a certain quality of zen she reached when she looked through the scope and tried her best to hit the target. Of course, the more often she missed, the more frustrated and angry she became. There...
  2. Mercy

    Private  Burst

    DENON Avalore Things were good. She was knighted recently... not that she felt particularly like accepting the title just yet. Ashin was teaching her some really fethin' useful stuff. Crunching things with a shield? Protecting her own skin with it? Well, Mercy wasn't that great at it yet, but...
  3. Avalore

    Character  Avalore

    A v a l o r e Overview Name: Avalore Species: Human Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'4" Weight: 115lbs Faction: Unaligned Rank: Knight Master: Ashin Cardé Varanin TraitsRelentless Observant Inquisitive Unassuming Insular Risk-aversed Spiteful Attention seeking Lazy...
  4. Mercy

    Private  Soup

    TASH-TARAL Avalore Mercy felt good. Better than good. That soup had been great. Well, no, it had been pretty disgusting... at first. The more she ate from it, the tastier it became though. This was probably concerning. But for the first time since that dark night on the tree-infested moon...
  5. Kinsey Starchaser

    A Homestead for Troubled Teens

    [member="The Revenant"] (if you want to drop in) Something was wrong. The Starchaser-teen wasn't responding to the bacta. The wounds she sustained on Kiffex against some prison thugs were slow to heal, in particular, a plasma-dagger stab deep in the right side of her chest. There were also...
  6. Avalore Eden

    And a pinch of salt.

    Sullust Galactic Alliance Headquarters Underground Facilities Avalore & Stali's Apartment He'd insisted on making friends. The apartment was small - not much bigger than her old place back on Commenor, which made it all the more easy to adjust to despite being located in a complex deep...
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