Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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beach episode

  1. Ran Serys

    Public  A Meditative Retreat

    As the Spiran sun came up over the horizon, Ran watched it for as long as she could. She watched it until it was high in the sky, then she closed her eyes, lowered her glareshades, and laid back. Under the sun's rays the sand beneath her warmed while the water that crashed against the shore...
  2. Jack Wright

    LFG  Jedi Vacation! (NJO/GA)

    War sucks. And worst of all, it is draining. More to the point that even the Galactic Alliance's best defenders need a break every now and again. Sith, Empire, that needs to be on the last thing on the Jedis' mind, when an extensive leave was needed to reboost and reignite the spirit. Including...
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