Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tales of the Diarchy

    Faction  Objective 2 - Urban Warfare

    Location: Bescane | Capital City Tags: Descending into the Capital City of Bescane, Diarchy forces are met with heavy Anti-Aircraft Fire. The City itself is defended by shields, preventing orbital bombardment, brave men and women loyal to the former Imperial Commander Draak, and traps...
  2. Tales of the Diarchy

    Faction  Diarchy Assault of Bescane

    Diarchy Assault of Bescane - Prelude [OOC - This is just setting the stage, please post replies in relevant chapters] Location: Bescane system Tags: Shan Pellian Tashsi Qsa Darth Rellik Darth Nexion Darth Reign Naamino Zuukamano Micah tol Powl Gavin Vel | Any Diarchy Allies | Any Opposition...
  3. Tales of the Diarchy

    Faction  Prelude to War | Diarchy

    Prelude to War Location: Dubrillion Tags: Tashsi Qsa Darth Reign The table had been set. A meeting between the two most powerful warlords on the war torn planet of Bescane, and the diplomatic leadership of The Diarchy. The location of this “peace summit” was selected as the neutral planet of...
  4. Diarch Reign

    LFG  OOC SIGN UP - Diarchy Assault of Bescane

    This is an OOC sign up for the upcoming Diarchy Assault of Bescane! Open to all allies and potential allies of the Diarchy! I hope to have everything geared up and ready to go by 11/14/2024 Note This is not an official invasion or dominion, simply a faction thread! An Idea of what’s to come...
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