Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lirka Ka

    LFG  Big mean budget-Sith seeking slavers, pirates, and general scum and villainy

    Feeling the call to harken back to some of my underworld roots and get my fingers out there finding some potential business partners/allies for all sorts wretched criminal activity to make some fat stacks of credits Lirka has been a slaver primarily for awhile so always on the hunt for other...
  2. GhostOfProtocol

      The Big 10 Year One

    13... Good lord I was thirteen when I started here. I turn twenty four in July. I found a grey hair the other day I've been here that long. I've done all of my education and been in three jobs in the time I've been here. I've literally grown up on Chaos. It's impressive, in all fairness, that I...
  3. Xoff Chantin

    LFG  I like big Hutts and I cannot lie!

    I'm a Zeltron golddigger looking to strike it rich with the most powerful Hutt on Zinder! Xoff here is an old character of mine, a crime Lord who married into a powerful Hutt family. While I could just write a backstory NPC, I'd like to explore the option tying the knot with an established Hutt...
  4. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  Smells Like Big Business | EOTL Dominion of Sakiya

    Though the Empire of the Lost once again triumphed over the Tingle Arm Coalition at Garn and Maldra IV, their foray into Hutt Space continues. At the heavily industrialized planet of: Sakiya the Empire encounters the green skinned Sakiyan species. These near humanoids possess high quality...
  5. Rulonom Laborr

    Private  The Big League

    V I C E R O Y THE TRADE FEDERATION Liin Terallo The Skakoan was fully immersed in the bustling world of business, surrounded by a multitude of datapads and holographic projectors that suddenly came to life. The soft glow of the holographic displays illuminated the room, casting a warm and...
  6. Kyric

    Private  Galactic City Blues: Crossroad

    Coruscant Monument Plaza, Umate Sol Dara _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Another day, another protest. Hundreds had gathered in Monument Plaza by the time the midday sun blazed high over the Manarai Range. Their...
  7. Tefka

    Tefka's Big Booty Battle Droid

    SPECIAL FEATURES (Detail briefly in a list format actual contents of the known abilities, special features, qualities of note, etc. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, please add them to strengths ) STRENGTHS (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)...
  8. Astri Elyse

    Private  Little Girl, Big World

    Tag: Zaiya Ceti Day one with the Jedi Order, and Astri Elyse was already lost. Oh what was she thinking, letting Dad ship her off to Coruscant? It had seemed exciting at the time! But now that she was here, everything was so overwhelming! The Temple was huge, and she was just trying to find...
  9. Zax Danner

    Private  Big Trouble Little Oba Diah

    Zax sat outside Cordel Bylo’s office in the back of a crappy bar. It was an operating house for the Pykes, Bylo moved a lot of weight for the syndicate, because of that, he was often the focus of low level disputes and on a rare occasion the target of some unknown bounty hunter, today, however...
  10. Phobos

    Character  Gareth don Louise | Big Loui

    GARETH DON LOUISE Age 28 Species Human, Corellian Gender Male Height 5 feet 9 inches) Weight 145lbs Force Sensitive Yes Faction Galactic Alliance | New Jedi Order Rank Knight Vessels Epo-1 Delta-class Light Interceptor Nickname Big Loui PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Lanky, but...
  11. Ijaat Mereel

    Mando and Grogu on the big screen!! Whelp. It's official. This ought to be excellent!
  12. Hilal Vizsla

    Private  Bring Out the Big Guns!

    Current Outfit Location: Melida/Daan If there was one planet that was forever scarred by war, it was Melida/Daan. Thousands of years ago, two factions: The Melida and the Daan waged what was essentially a forever war hundreds of millions of people perished during their many wars: Soldier...
  13. Tefka

    Suggestion  Require Big Factory Subs To Have Dev Threads

    via FJ discretion. For a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  14. Tarre Priest

    Approved Tech  Ori Tu'a Cusmr - Big Boom Bomb

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Special Grenade/Explosive charge for the Enclave Image Source: Artstation - Vibranium Grenade, Coded Arts Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tarre Priest - Inventor Tarre's Personal Mobile...
  15. Tragic Writer

    Work In Progress  BattleCuriser 'Apollyon'

    [/spoiler] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create A battle cruiser for story plots, as well as a navy Image Source: All Imagines from here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: DragonStar Affiliation: Draconian Navy Market Status...
  16. Syala

    Private  Big trouble in Little Dantooine

    Fear. That was something that was meant to be vital to being a Sith. Alongside anger, rage and passion. Syala had plenty of those emotions, but now she wanted to harvest fear for herself. There was plenty she could do with the power that she had been taught, and unfortunately for Dantooine, that...
  17. Starlin Rand

    Approved Tech  The Big Shoe™️

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a weapon. Image Source: Ludacris "Stand Up" Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Concussive baton PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: For All Seasons Affiliation: For All Seasons customers | Anyone who can reasonably acquire it...
  18. Haro Aven

    Private  Little Minnow In A Big Sea

    Jedi Padawan Niynx Ioune brings his late master's ship, The Little Minnow, to Jett Kaal's shipyard in the Coruscant Underworld for repair. Niynx's master, Jedi Knight La T'vil, was once an intimate companion and dear friend to Jett and her death weighs heavily on her heart. However, she puts on...
  19. Leddie Gred

    Public  Little Band. Big Gig.

    The Dream of the Rim. This was definitely different for the group. Usually it was a bar, or one of the Mando shadow ports, or some cantina somewhere. This!? This was luxury. Leddie stopped at the sign in front of the stage area. The Hanger Queens. Never thought she'd be somewhere like this as...
  20. WelshPsych

    LFG  Big Thread Hunt

    Hey folks, Doing another big, general lfg for multiple characters since muse if firing up and wanting to take advantage of that. Looking for threads for characters: Dreidi Xeraic is looking for fellow Jedi to interact with and work on missions with. Anything from hunting Mawites and fighting...
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