Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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black market

  1. Gorba Savak

    Approved Tech  Mirage 404 SlicerDeck

    Mirage 404 SlicerDeck OOC INFO Intent: To create a device to assist in slicing for the black market Image Source: x Canon Link: x Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFO Manufacturer: S&C Affiliation: S&C Market Status: Closed-Market Model: Mirage 404 SlicerDeck Modularity...
  2. Gorba Savak

    Savak & Corwin Securities Inc.

    Savak & Corwin Securities Incorporated OOC INFO Image Source: ChatGPT Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A COMPANY INFO Company Name: Savak & Corwin Securities Incorporated aka S&C Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa Locations: Nar Shaddaa and Bothawui Operations: Logistics, Weapons, Ships, Droids...
  3. Athros Herk

    Character  Athros Herk - The Rogue of Nar Shaddaa

    Athros Herk The Rogue of Nar Shaddaa Phonetic/ˈæθrɒs hɜːrk/ AliasesRogue of Nar Shaddaa; Riva't Nav; Dealbreaker OriginsCoronet City - Corellia (birthplace); Hutta Town - Nal Hutta (raised and shaped) FactionJedi Order (Padawan); Hutt Cartel (Criminal Connections) SpeciesHuman GenderMale...
  4. Viola Valencia

    LFG  Get Paid to Beat-Up a Coruscanti Noble

    So Viola is a human-replica droid that has replaced the original human. At this point she knows she's a droid and, existential crisis aside, needs help to hold onto her identity. A black-market surgery to disable/remove the control chip would work perfectly, except it's likely to activate an...
  5. Valery Noble

    Public  Sword of the Jedi — Black Market of Orvax IV

    Orvax IV Orvax IV — Black Market Auction The sprawling marketplace of Orvax IV was a chaotic symphony of neon lights, heavy machinery, and the hum of various illicit dealings. Under the shadow of towering structures and stone archways, the heart of the auction district thrummed with life...
  6. Davik Lorso

    Catalog  Calamari Seafood | Black Market

    Calamari Seafood is a galactic chain of franchise seafood restaurants. They specialize in noodles with seafood from fish-farms across the galaxy. It's cheap food. Through the net there's an informational page accessible that tells you of the humble origin of the Calamari Seafood franchise and...
  7. Aliris Tremiru

    Private  Finding Where The Real Black Market Is

    It was a comfy bed, all things considered. Aliris yawned loudly as she got out of the bed, glanced around for a moment, and just wandered her way to the kitchen area. She hadn't bothered changing out of her clothes. They were the only pieces she bothered to keep on herself. The rest was all...
  8. Aliris Tremiru

    First Reply  For My Family I'll Even Go To A Black Market

    Sith artifacts were all the rage when the Sith Empire was finally defeated. They continually grew more and more scarce as those like the Ashlan's purged and destroyed them. There'd been several dead ends in her search. Dead ends of false leads or just destroyed remnants. It was infuriating for...
  9. Pyrrah Tae

    Approved Location  The Obelisks

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To start fleshing out some locations for The Exchange Image Credit: Both images: (x) Canon: N/A Permissions: Phkalt Metal and TIE/SK Elite Starfighter: (x) Links: Black Market The Exchange SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Obelisks...
  10. Pyrrah Tae

    Minor Faction Crime Endures, Always | The Exchange

    We Meet Once Again It has been quite some time since our last announcement. Rest assured, The Exchange has gone nowhere. Yes, our major allies, the Hutt Space Consortium, have now been abolished, but the Black Sun has rose strongly from its their ashes. We have experienced some...complications...
  11. Pyrrah Tae

    Approved Location  Remains of the Titans

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an area that supplies items to the Hutt Space Consortium affiliated Black Market. Image Credit: Both Images: (x) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yurb (Canon) Yurb (Chaos) Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine SETTING...
  12. Pyrrah Tae

    Public  The Black Market - Items From Around The Galaxy

    THE BLACK MARKET ———————————— "We Got What You Need." Head Marketeer: Pyrrah Tae Chief Executive Officer: Various DarkNet Suppliers and Contractors Headquarters: Corva Yag, with Various Outlets Across the Galaxy Old Black Market Link: The Black Market - DarkNet Storefront Accepted Currency...
  13. H

    House Vizsla

    We are House Vizsla, Mandalorians and rebels alike who have sworn never to bend the knee to tyrants ever again. Our goal is to rebuild our great house and provide a safehouse for clans loyal to the Vizsla cause, Supply information and weapons to mandalorians who take up arms against the sith and...
  14. Kal

    Open Market  Greystone Mercantile

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Greystone Mercantile Headquarters: Masque Locations: Various. The Dreamlands. Lorinia. Denon. Operations: Creation and Procurement of Peculiar...
  15. LT-137

    Public  The Black Market - DarkNet Storefront

    THE BLACK MARKET ~ * ~ * ~ "We Got What You Need." [Manufacturing and Supplying Faction Link] Chief Executive Officer: Various DarkNet Suppliers and Contractors. Headquarters: Various Outlets Across the Galaxy. Accepted Currency: AvCoins, TF Creds, Thyrsian Solari, Etc. Illegal and Restricted...
  16. Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr

    Panty Raid Tattoo Parlor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Myself. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Panty Raid Tattoo Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa Locations: Nar Shaddaa Operations: Tattoo fabrication, Piercing installation, Cybernetic Modifications, (Tattoo parlor...
  17. Kamyrin Gyvolis

    Approved Location  The Red Line District

    Intent: To Flesh out Coin Division HQ and a Point of Interest for role play purposes ​Image Credit: Credit 1 Credit 2 Credit 3 Credit 4 Canon: No Links: N/A Structure Name: The Red Line District Classification: Casino Strip, Black Market, and Gambling Den Location: Eve, Scintilla Affiliation...
  18. Krystal

    Scum, Villainy, and Pretty Girls

    Krystal needed to get off this planet. She had arrived on Tatooine not two days earlier, and already she could feel the grime of Mos Eisley settling over her skin. Her hair was braided atop her head as it usually was, but that didn’t seem to help the beads of sweat dripping down her back. The...
  19. Mauda

    Decentralised Equipment and Arms Dispersal

    OOC Info: Posting the Logo wasn't working. Will try to update soon Corp Info: Corp Name: Decentralised Equipment and Arms Dispersal (DEAD) Headquarters: Coruscant Location: Primarily Coruscant but some goods are shipped off-world Operations: Untraceable Weapons and Equipment/Civilian use...
  20. WolfMortum

    The Tsukasa Gokudō Subsidiary

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: - Click Here - Artist & Credit: [Member=Bambi]. - Click Here - Location Image. Canon Link: Not Applicable. Development Thread: Not Applicable. Primary Source: Yakuza/Gokudō & Organized Crime/Black Market Services. CORPORATION INFORMATION...
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