Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn

    Discussion  Secrets of the Galaxy book set

    So i've been interested in getting the book of sith recently and maybe the Jedi Path books, but I see the bundle is cheaper compared to the other options, either way these books seem hard to come by, has anyone read them? Which ones do you think are stronger in this series?
  2. R

    Codex Denied  Diabolic Rituals

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a book based off an ancient tome Image Credit: XX Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Thread Link GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Diabolic Rituals Format: Book Distribution: Unique Length: Medium Description: The tome contains rituals associated Sith...
  3. Darth Moskvin

    Work In Progress  Book

    "Equity is that idea of justice which contravenes the written law." - Aristotle - OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Book of Rules for the Nardithi Nightsisters Coven Image Credit: XX Canon: [ Is this a canon item? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply...
  4. Dante Iblis

    Approved Tech  Lysa's Wager

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a unique Force artefact for narrative purposes Image Source: Eliot RENIÉ - Black Grimoire Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: A children's book publisher, a Sith Lord (deceased) Affiliation: Its...
  5. Jonyna Si

    Private  Jungle Book

    With all that was happening in the core worlds, Jonyna had once more taken up residence on New Cov. Not out of fear, but out of habit. Shan Pavond had reached out to her to do some ataru training, and thus Jonyna agreed to meet him back in the same temple they had once been introduced. That felt...
  6. Eris Genen Zhenlian

    Question  where should I submit a book of force vision?

    Hi, just wanted to ask if anyone knew where I could submit a book of force visions? for contexts, it is a book given by an npc for a faction I am going to make, as a basis for faction lore and Eris Genen Zhenlian I'm going to be using the Media lore template for it. If anyone has any help...
  7. Hilal Vizsla

    Private  Book Worms

    Current Outfit Location: Takodana Hilal liked the remote world of Takodana, its lush green forests with small lakes created a sense of tranquility. It was also a planet that took pride in its neutrality despite being close to the Galactic Alliance's boarders. Takodana was home to an...
  8. Inanna Harth

    Approved Lore  Murder On the Hydian Way (novel)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out Inanna's bibliography. Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Murder On the Hydian Way Format: Book/Holobook Distribution: Common Length: Medium Description: Murder On the Hydian Way is a...
  9. Erebus Ignosi

    Work In Progress  Dihasa iw Kûts: The Book of Death

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a fun grimoire for my Sith Lich Image Credit: Zachary Suchlicki, noxfoxarts Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or...
  10. Chamdar the Hutt

    Spoiler  Book of Boba Fett Episode 6

    I was pretty speechless most of the episode, my favourite part was how good Luke looked and sounded. Hot take, I think he looked better than Cad Bane who looks to have gotten old.
  11. Fatty

    Spoiler  Book of Boba Fett Episode 4 | A Touch of Spoilers

    A very redeeming episode that makes the modders on Tattooine less out of place (but not their multi-color power ranger spy kid Vespas). My only grip with this episode is that it seemed odd Boba didn't recall climbing out of the Sarlacc with his Armor. I figures he was just there to blast it...
  12. Yeshua

    Private  The Book of Jericho

    VERUN - ORBIT Jericho had fallen. What was meant to be a routine patrol mission evolved into warfare at a blinding speed. He was meant to travel the lanes leading to Druckenwell - anticipating pirate activity in light of the recent refugee crisis. Yet, whilst the CNS Jericho was in...
  13. Brooke Waters

    Approved Lore  Book of Tides

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Codify the Book of Tides (Book of Law) of the Blue Coral Divers Clan Image Credit: Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Blue Coral Divers Book of Tides...
  14. Tefka

    Staff  Book of Boba Fett Spoilers Ruling

    Link for the lazy: There is a 30 day content creation ban on spoilers regarding Book of Boba Fett. This means, for 30 days after the airing of an episode, you may not discuss spoilers or use content from those shows in...
  15. Mi'la Undari

    Private  Book Club

    Book Club Location: Voss, Archives of the Three Mi'la Undari was a jedi that didn't give up on her studies that easily. For several months, the jedi knight had been tracking down traces of the ancient Jedi order, back when they called themselves Ashla. Her Master Sakadi Marathi Sinvala had...
  16. Amelia von Sorenn

    Public  The Book of Stories Part II | Electronic Bookaloo

    THE BOOK OF STORIES PART II NABOO, THEED THEED ROYAL LIBRARY CONFEDERACY OF INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS It had seemed to be many years since she last had taken the time to provide a service, not to just the Confederacy as a whole; for the people within the Confederacy as well. Truth be told, it had...
  17. T

    Campaign  Court of Blades | Book of Vizsla 1\3(Ask to join)

    Tag: Kranak Vizsla | Aves Wren | Alora Vizsla | Tayl Vizsla | Tahlah Vizsla | Cyran Vaas | Tawnita Wren | Vren Rook | Sikkol Cull | Talohn Atar | Shai Krayt | T H E - S U M M O N I N G House Vizsla's proud history dated back to the old republic and first sith expansions to the great purge and...
  18. M

    Final Book Release

    Hey guys. I know some of you read the first two books I wrote so I wanted to stop by and let you all know that I finished the trilogy off. The last book of the Dark Mage Chronicles is now available on Amazon for Kindle (including Kindle Unlimited) and in paperback format. You can find all three...
  19. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Lore  Lost Pocket Destroyers: The Rise of the Behemoth

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To create an in-universe take on the evolution of the Chaos factory rules and the growth in allowable ship lengths in relation to Site Canon, Legends Canon, and Disney Canon. This is intended to be “peer review non-fiction” in universe but not a document or...
  20. M

    Release Day!

    As I mentioned in a previous thread, I have a story that's part of a new anthology being released by Mannison Press ( Today is the release of that anthology! Titled "Little Girl Lost: Thirteen Tales of Youth Disrupted," the book contains twelve stories, in addition to my own...
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