Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kivah

    Faction  A Breath of Fresh Air

    Etti IV Mondder, District VI Code Zero Das Kivah paced the deck of the ‘Reaper, checking the straps holding down the crates in the back of the shuttle again. There was a mix of crates and camtonos packed in next to her speeders in their racks and her usual mix of bins with just enough clear...
  2. Makko Vyres

    Private  Take a Breath

    Teru Challo Makko's chest rose and fell quickly as he returned to the benches around the sparring arena. The area had been the source of some high drama recently. After returning from Denon, Makko had been here often. Pushing his body and his mind to the limit to prepare himself. The Sith...
  3. Tefka

    Map Update  January Map 2023 Pre-Update

  4. Aiden Porte

    Private  The deep breath

    Coruscant Jedi Temple For over a week the Padawan's dorm had been somewhat of a mess. Thing had been getting tied together that made Aiden a little bit uneasy to be quite honest. He tried to play it off that it was just in his head. But when the evidence was there right in his face. He...
  5. Laphisto

    Approved Tech  Advanced Loading system "Dragons breath"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an Autoloading system for the Lilaste Order Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste Order Affiliation: Lilaste Order Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  6. Alina Tremiru

    Private  Breath In New Life

    All her life Alina felt like she'd been broken. A doll missing a part of it that made it real. Not something visible, but something within. Something intangible but made a doll a doll none the less. The feeling of isolation it brought spurred her teenage years of drugs, sex, and rock n' roll...
  7. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  Pull A Breath Like Another Cigarra

    The sound of racing Ronto hooves permeated the very air around him, each thud into the sandy earth at their feet driving nails into his brain. Tallera Downs was not somewhere you came to nurse a hangover; fortunately for Arcturus, he had woken up here, body half off one of the bleachers, and it...
  8. Osam

    Approved Tech  The Bryn'adul | Crusader Breath Mask

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A simple and effective mask that converts hazardous Type III atmosphere into Type II for members of the Akhenaton, Vaydralen, and Ungulloi species on otherwise dangerous Bryn'adul worlds. Image Source...
  9. Kaleleon

    Approved Tech  Breath Concealed Carry

    View of Pistol Pistol being fired, and reloaded OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a pistol specifically designed for covert, or concealed scenarios. As well as intigrating a weapon that can be used in conjunction with a very nice set of holsters. Image Source: Artstation - Kit...
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