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1st Red Shift Renegade Signal Broadcast up:
Call-ins welcome, or just passing holonet (undernet) judgments :D. Drop any questions and you can assume the host asks it, unless you are a corpo (boo!)
For other slicers, you...
Signal sending in 3.2.1… live.
The Red Shift Renegade Signal
#Datastamp 1 // What it means to be a slicer.
OOC Thread
Undernet feeds buzzed bright, breaking into a light bantha-blade synth-thrash beat, bassline rising to grind like a gravtrain on rusty rails. Suddenly neon blue strobes pulsed...
Imperial citizens from all around the planet would have their comlinks and holoprojectors suddenly turned on. Every establishment had to comply with the Official Broadcast's dissemination, and some comlinks were brought even inside the mines, so that the...
Something very peculiar began to happen all across Coruscant.
HoloTerminals began to short-circuit, their holographic projections becoming warped and unrecognizable. Loud static began to burst forth from their speakers, causing many passersby to clutch their ears in momentary agony before the...