Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Taeli Raaf

    Butcher King's Legacy Exclusive Cards

  2. Bo Vuto

    Character  Bo Vuto - Butcher of Horuz

    Bo Vuto Theme Holdfast Full Name Bo Vuto Flagship Penitent Reprisal Title(s) Admiral Class(es) Commander Sage Origin Dorin Age Adult Rank(s) Admiral Faction(s) Dark Empire Subgroups Etc Species TBD Language(s) Basic Kel Dor Cheunh [Understnads] Sy Bisti Gender...
  3. Gerwald Lechner

    Private  Dread Wolf : Butcher King

    WEARING: xxx WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder TAG: Darth Carnifex Naedira had only ever asked one thing of her wolf, and that was to stay away from the Mountain. They did not mention him by name, save for the moniker they had given him. He had met the Sith Lord on several...
  4. Samuel Exel

    Work In Progress  Modified "Butcher" Scattergun; "Streetsweeper"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Fuel Sam's penchant for unnecessarily modifying and retrofitting equipment. Image Source: Ryan Lastimosa, Titanfall 2 Wikipedia Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Primary Sources: Shadowhand Skunkworks "Butcher" Scattergun PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  5. Aurelius Baldor

    Approved Tech  Shadowhand Skunkworks "Butcher" Scattergun

    "The fact I can load a grenade into this and have it work the same should testify this weapon is borderline insanity for the average battlefield. But by Gods, if you want to fell even a Bantha with a shot, this is your weapon." ~Samuel Exel Intent: To create a weapon that tests the limits of...
  6. B

    Approved Tech  Butcher's Hand Cannons

    BUTCHER'S HAND CANNONS OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a unique pair of slugthrowers for Butcher Image Source: ArtStation - Mark Van Haitsma Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Slugthrower Pistol PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Butcher (underworld...
  7. B

    Approved Tech  Butcher's Necklace

    BUTCHER'S NECKLACE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a unique item for Butcher, to mess with Force Users Image Source:; edit me Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Void Stone, Phrik PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Butcher (underground contracted...
  8. B

    Character  Butcher

    A criminal of some renown in the underworld, the sentient known as Butcher has a reputation for violent savagery and being impossible to kill. No one knows his real name, no one knows what species he is - other than near-human - but they know the dark, beskar skull mask. When others see it...
  9. Subject 37

    Sel Wyrick

    FACTION: Mandalorian Empire SPECIES: Icarii AGE: 26 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.86m EYES: White HAIR: Black SKIN: Extremely Pale White FORCE SENSITIVE: No [+]Doctorb: Sel has medical training as a Doctor. This training means he is a capable practitioner, surgeon, and has basic knowledge in most...
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