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(Image modified by me,
riginally made at
Royal Light - Caelan's created crystal; white core with purple and then blue outer glow.
Bifurcating Cyclical Ignition Pulse - Allows for use under water.
Non-Dimetrous Circuit - Not susceptible...
Note: Image created by me on
Breaking the Defense: Hurrikane Crystals are noted for having the ability to more easily cut through defense than other crystals. In the case of Caelan's blade, it's very good at breaking through barriers, whether of the shield or...
The shadows flickered as a dirty, disheveled young man darted from one to the next. Each step was taken with slow precision so as not to draw the attention of the people working inside of the bodega, or the shoppers going in and out. He slipped inside by walking directly behind someone else...