Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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canto bight

  1. Serena Harth

    Private  The Canto Bight King

    Canto Bight was a bed of vice, gilded with prestige and class. But beneath the specious flair, it was just as much a criminal sanctuary as Nar Shaddaa. In Serena's opinion, the latter was at least more honest with you. In many ways, Prax Elvros was perhaps an embodiment of this city as a...
  2. Prax Elvros

    Character  Prax Elvros

    PRAX ELVROS Age 33 GSY Species Human (Tionese) Gender Male Height 1.80 Meters Weight 77kg Force Sensitive No Voice Claim King (New Vegas) Appearance Prax Elvros is known for his striking and charismatic appearance. He has jet-black, styled hair, often worn in a sleek pompadour...
  3. Rhavik Mimbev

    Private  Shadows in the Gilded Desert

    Cantonica The cantina was a far cry from the shimmering opulence of Canto Bight proper. Nestled on the outskirts, just beyond the glittering city’s edge, it was the kind of place where dreams came to die quietly, drowned in cheap liquor and a haze of spice smoke. Maleiah Kozan slipped into the...
  4. Sonti Delst

    Private  Lowlifes, You and Me

    It was a beautiful day in the Old Town of Canto Bight. Sonti pulled open the arms of her glareshades with her lips as she stepped onto back onto Cabranga Street from the doorway of Café Raduli, then slid them onto her face by the time she took her first few steps down the footpath. In one hand...
  5. Kaila Irons

    Private  The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie

    The Red Ronin Club was one of those places that sort of just show up in your local town one day. A plot of overpriced land that's been for sale long enough that everyone forgets there's supposed be something on it gets bought one day, a guy with a suit surveys the area and then before you know...
  6. Kaila Irons

    Red Ronin Club

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: w\edits Canon Link: N\A Primary Source: N\A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Red Ronin Club Headquarters: Canto Bight Locations: Coming soon! Operations: Healing Baths Gambling Parent Corporation: Enarc Trade League Subsidiaries: N\A...
  7. Kivah

    Private  Canto Cagefight

    Canto Bight, CANTONICA South Stretch Worker's District Tag: Spek Zhio Those watching the fight in the middle of the small warehouse seemed louder than usual to Kivah, she'd grown unaccustomed to it in her time away. Or, she hoped as she twisted her way through the packed warehouse to her usual...
  8. Oz Neru

    Private  Chasing The Dragon

    Location: Cantonica, Canto Bight Objective: Make Millions Tag: Valin Zenth Oz was enjoying himself as he played sabacc within the casino. Letting out a hearty laugh as his corner of the table continued to fill swell with more and more chips, credits, hutt peggats after continually winning...
  9. M

    LFG  OOC Discussion & Brainstorming: Secrets in Starlight - A Core War Story

    You may have seen a little something about the upcoming Secrets in Starlight thread... Mercury, a shadowy figure representing unknown interests, has invited the galaxy's criminal underworld to an exclusive auction for a chance to get their hands on this valuable data, and there are rumors that...
  10. M

    COMING SOON: Secrets in Starlight - A Core War Story

  11. Das

    Faction  A Canvas With Two Faces [Code Zero & Corpos]

    Known for its exclusive casinos and vibrant night life, Cantonica is one of the CorpSec's most important worlds. Opportunity is plentiful and the night is young. The galaxy is changing, and the Sector must change with it - despite their differences, the Corpos and Zeroes can agree on at least...
  12. Drifter

    First Reply  Some nights

    The Peggat Cantina South Stretch Worker's District Canto Bight Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck; some nights, I call it a draw... "Buta Peg, you're coming with me!" The Nikto brandished his blaster, holding it at the Ceran gambler in the middle of a Sabaac game. The revelry in...
  13. Zark San Tekka

    Approved Location  Coruscant Hotel and Casino

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a canon location on Cantonica that also serves as a base of operations for the Exchange in the region. ​Image Credit: The Grand Budapest Hotel Canon: Canon Article Links: / SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: Coruscant Hotel and Casino...
  14. Rekha Kaarde

    C is for Cards, Criminal, and Cartel

    Cantonica, man this place was as desolate as Tattooine with one exception. Higher class of criminals. Well maybe not quite criminals, profiteers, gamblers, tourists with nothing better to do than spend money. Well, what was she doing here then? Aha...yeah she was here to get her slice of the...
  15. Zyrias Pax

    I'm turning Canto-nese, I think I'm turning Canto-nese

    One of the most difficult things about being on Canto Bight was the sheer amount of awful jizz music either piped into the less elegant casinos on an endless loop, or the live music at the VIP establishments which was just as bad. Zyrias longed for some thumping techno or experimental tunes the...
  16. Terrek Reese

    Cantonica Noir (Open)

    Terrek had not been off Coruscant in many years, the thought of being away from his element put him on edge. But there was a purpose that had brought him from the fracturing Core Worlds to out in the middle of the Corporate sector. He was on the hunt for the terrorist known as @Zyrias Pax AKA...
  17. T

    A Fist Full of Credits [Canto Bight OPEN]

    A FIST FULL OF CREDITS - CHAOS TALES FROM CANTO BIGHT - CANTONICA DESERT OUTSIDE CANTO BIGHT A beat up and rusty YT-series freighter touched down in the desert wastes of Cantonica. The desert corporate world was a hot spot, particularly in just...
  18. Ugoto Chivaro

    Bight Me

    NAR SHADDAA REFUGEE DISTRICT Nobody wanted Tytos to show up here in person, but it was better for everyone involved if he did. That way, there could be no ambiguity as to how important he considered this operation. Derrenger opened up the passenger door to the armored speeder truck he had been...
  19. Hannibal Oryen

    Twice As Fast, Twice As Bight

    CANTO BIGHT CANTO CASINO, GAMBLING FLOOR Hannibal's earpiece was buzzing. Not unusual, given what he was here to do, but it was still kind of annoying. Made it harder to focus on watching the crowd in this here casino. He was in a pretty sharp get-up. Not as snazzy as the Canto Bight Police...
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