Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Arla Rodarch

    Faction  C A R N E A - Walking in Keldabe

    Keldabe, Mandalore Objective I - The Meeting of Minds and Might. Those who wish to contribute to the decision of the next Sole Ruler are meeting in the Town Hall. Objective II - The Street Feast. Eat and drink and be merry. Entertainments abound, music, theatre, performers, and more. Find a...
  2. Tarre Priest

    Faction  C A R N E A | The Festival

    The start of this Carnea, a festival in which the clans would celebrate the coming of the Law of Manda’lor. 30 days, and nights of feasting, drinking, and knocking boots, would commence. The mandalorian Clan of Priest was hosting such an event. It mattered not where people were on the surface of...
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