Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lief

    Work In Progress  New CC Codes

    SOCIETAL Name: - Alias: You Can Add More Than One Titles: - Homeworld: - Current Home: - Faction: - Force Sensitivity: - Force Rank: - Force Alignment: - APPEARANCE Race: - Age: - Gender: - Height: - Build: - Hair Colour: - Eye Colour: - Skin Colour: -...
  2. Zahara Myneto

    The Correlian Confederation

    The Correlian Confederation stands as the last bastion and vestige of democracy and freedom in a war torn Core Region of the Galaxy. Lead by the Diktat, the Correlian Federation has overcome many obstacles: The Humbraine, whom were pacified and brought into the greater Confederation and the Core...
  3. Zahara Myneto

    CDF Protector

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create Zahara's Flagship for future RP Image Source: 343 Studios Halo 4; GIF edited by @Lizsa Starseeker Canon Link: None Restricted Missions: None Primary Source: ​ Colony-Class Battlecruiser Terrik-Class Light Cruiser ANS Starchild CDF Ascendant Justice...
  4. T

    Built for Slaughter [Imperial Confederation/Corellian Confederation]

    Their technological edge had been fading. The other galactic powers were quickly catching up with and even surpassing the mighty warships of the Imperial Confederated Navy. But the high chancellor was not worried in the slightest - no, the ships that had been designed for the former Galactic...
  5. R

    Harvesting a Mask (Corellian Confederacy Dominion of Azbrian)

    The planet of Azbrian is a lush agricultural world with a strong economy. However in recent times the people have been attacked by groups of pirates as they are being pushed out of the core by the new galaxy spanning governments who have cropped up. In an effort to stem and stop the attacks they...
  6. T

    The Pellaeon Doctrine [Imperial Confederation/Corellian Confederation]

    The flash of hovering camera-droids illuminated the podium where one Tanomas Graf stood, flanked by two members of the party's Imperial Guard. "Today, the Senate unanimously voted for the passage of resolution 8196 - a public declaration of the Imperial Confederation's intent to safeguard the...
  7. Republic Engineering

    Approved Starship  Starhawk III - Class Battleship [Model Three Starhawk.]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out, and advance the canon Starhawk design with style. Image Source: Starhawk Mark II | Wookieepedia Article - Clipping By Me. Canon Link: Starhawk Class Battleship | Resurgent Class Star Destroyer. Permissions: Subaccount. Primary Source...
  8. O

    Orla Faust

  9. Sabetha Tag

    Fracas on Prakith

    Deep Core Prakith System Along the Byss Run They had descended like locusts. Dozens of pirate ships, wrecking havoc and drawing the trade flowing to and from Prakith to a stand still. Who were they? As for the what they wanted, that was clear. They wanted everything. Some ships hit heavily...
  10. Sabetha Tag

    Fracas on Prakith Skirmish OOC

    Welcome to the Fracas on Prakith. The thread is starting en media res. The set up is simple: Pirates attack Prakith. Prakith calls for Aid (THE BEACONS ARE LIT). Both CC and CIC respond and arrive as the pirate raid is in full swing. Will the two groups work together to end the threat? Will...
  11. A

    chords of dissonance

    Aria ayr Agreste Location: Jedi Enclave, Coronet City, Corellia Interacting with: [member="Seto Du Couteau"] The hallowed halls of the Jedi Enclave was familiar, filling her with a faint sense of wonderment and nostalgia as her heels clicked faintly against polished stone. It was like how...
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