Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Laphisto

    Discussion  should i make a news network character ?

    I have low keyy been having to much fun with my little GNN articles about my factions exodus from the kalinda system, and now i am wanting to make a news anchor character. queshtion is though would anyone even be interested in reading such things?
  2. Alan

      Alan's Current Character Feedback

    I don't think I can remember doing one of these, ever. Maybe I have, maybe not, not sure. But I wanted to focus more on the current characters I've been writing, what to improve on, what to do better, and what I could expand on. I don't intend to ever do a "critique of Alan", because holy shit...
  3. WelshPsych

    Public  February's Character of the Month - Nominations!

    It's that time of the month already!!! February has felt like a rush and can't believe we are near the end of the month already!! With the Invasion going on, there have been some amazing stories and ongoing tales, so looking forward to seeing everyone who has been nominated! So, who will be...
  4. WelshPsych

    Public  January Character of the Month - Winner!

    Hey! Just wanted to give the announcement that our January Character of the Month winner was Diarch Rellik !!! Congratulations and it was a hotly contested month! Lots of great submissions and really looking forward to how the rest of February will go! I haven't gotten around to doing the...
  5. WelshPsych

    Public  Character of the Month - January 2025 Voting!

    Here are your candidates! Put all the nomination reasonings down, good luck to every nominee!! Nominations for Kaila Irons: Nominations for Diarch Rellik Nominations for Aadihr Lidos Nominations for Darth Hemorpheus Nominations for Serina Calis Nominations for Briana Sal-Soren...
  6. WelshPsych

    Public  Character of the Month - January 2025 Edition Nominations!

    Happy 2025 to everyone! Been a crazy start of the year for me so a little late on this than I wanted to be. However, time to get your January 2025 nominations for Character of the Month! Looking forward to who will be the first COTM for 2025 and will be joining our stellar bunch of COTMs, such...
  7. Pashne hymz

    Character  Pashne hymz

    Pashné hymz Age:19| Gender:Female| Species:Human| Height:5'| Weight:160 lbs| Homeworld:Naboo| languages:Galactic basic, Naboo, Gungan, Droidspeak| Force sensitive:slightly ~Physical appearance~ Short, soft woman with pale white skin and soft brown hair. All but two chunks of hair are shoulder...
  8. WelshPsych

    Public  Character of the Month - December's Winner!

    Happy New Year everyone! Hopefully you have had all a great start to 2025! Last month's vote was super close and the turn out for votes was super impressive! Looking forward to how January's goes! December's Character of the Month is Micah tol Powl !!! Enjoy joining the ranks of our other...
  9. Salty Warren

    Request  Bad posting character thread ?

    hello, i hope you're good! I did the stupid thing of posting with the wrong character on this thread, would it be possible to transfer this to salty warren's subaccount? Thank you! sorry, I had so many tabs open I made a mistake. Thanks you! And sorry the post concerned is this : dance...
  10. Lyssara Thrynn

    Question  question regarding the evolution of a character

    Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I have a quick question for you, as a new player for some time, I would like to ask you a little thing, is there a limit that a character can reach in terms of power? Mastery of force? Saber skills? Level of accumulated power? And if so, which one would it...
  11. Ova Ziss

    LFG  New character - political RP on Dantooine

    I've just created Ova Ziss, a local-kingpin-type character who is basically trying to take over Dantooine in an economic and social influence sense. After some OOC confirmation, Ova Ziss just finished purchasing the Trilon Corporation, which is a manufacturing plant for starships / speeders /...
  12. WelshPsych

    Public  Character of the Month Nominations - December Edition

    Hey! How the year has flown by! Already December and already time for Character of the Month nominations! The rules are as following: Nominate a character that is not of your writing that has impressed you in the last month. Give the reasons why. Please include thread links for others to...
  13. Darth Retrius

    Trying to expand my newest character

    Hey! Putting it out there that I would like to roleplay with anyone interested. Check out my charcter bio, and if you're interested, respond here or DM me!
  14. Lysandra Organa

    LFG  New character looking for threads

    I created this character right before I left to go on vacation, now I'm back home and want to get the ball rolling with writing her. HMU if you or your character are interested in any of the following plot hooks: Princess: Lys is the heir to the throne of Karfeddion, a bountiful planet which...
  15. WelshPsych

    Public  Character of the Month - November Results!

    Hey all! This was an exciting voting session where the results ended up being super close. In fact, we ended up with a draw! Characters of the Month are Roman Vossari and Naamino Zuukamano !!! Congratulations! You guys are both telling awesome stories and looking forward to seeing what future...
  16. A

    LFG  Do you wanna build a fleshbag?

    I'm looking for ways to get this character started so I can really get a feel for him before I jump into main Sith Order storyline. Wouldn't mind finding some enemies on the light side of the equation or making the acquaintance of fellow Sith. Heck, I wouldn't mind causing trouble in general...
  17. Naestra

    The Darkshard

    SPECIAL FEATURES Sentient: the weapon is possessed by the remnants of its creator’s spirit. Making it self aware and having a will of its own. STRENGTHS Immune to conventional means of destruction: this blade is alchemically enhanced, making it indestructible by normal means, requiring...
  18. WelshPsych

    Public  November Character of the Month - Voting

    Here are the nominations for the vote. Remember to only vote the once. Good luck to all the candidates! Here are the reasons for each nomination:
  19. WelshPsych

    Public  November's Character of the Month - Nominations

    Hey all! It's that time of the month again where I wonder where the time has gone and panic since it is the end of the month and there is so much I still have left to do. Also it is time for another character to join our esteemed list of winners Lodd Grimmin, Marlon Sularen, Darth Malum of...
  20. Naestra

    LFG  Breaking in the character

    Hey all! I recently made this character because I thought it would be an interesting twist in the usual Jedi. And I’m looking to get an RP going with her to really figure her out. Anything goes! If you’re a sith looking to kill/capture a Jedi let’s talk! If you’re a slaver looking to catch and...
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