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Adzatsmam had been sent on a journey to find ancient objects that belonged to his people. His intentions were to preserve and rebuild their culture, but anyone would easily think he was trying to rebuild the ancient Empire and try to take over the galaxy once again, just as his people killed...
The Lingshi came out of hyperspace, the streak of stars slowing to white dots on the horizon. There came a hush over the crew as they stared out into the unfamiliar territory. There’s was a mix of anxiousness over what came next. At the helm was their Princess, Her Imperial Majesty, Mingzhi...
"Where is she?"
"Why hasn't she called?"
"I can't find her..?"
"Abandoned, betrayed - again."
It had been nearly two weeks since the day Corvus disappeared, two weeks since Braith last spoke to anyone but herself. It wasn't that Corvus didn't normally leave without...
Chazwa was capital of The Galactic Republic. Despite having been a citizen of the Republic for all of his life, the padawan Ben Corscifine had never visited this system. As far as he had known until just recently, his never having seen Chazwa was nothing to consider meaningful. The capital of...
Its Skirmish time!
Alright I am playing the Keep It Simple game.
Senate District is about to become home to a crap load of Warriors, soldiers, droids, and auto turrets, Mid System is having a Grutchinya Outbreak like a teenager with acne, and Inner system has a couple of cruisers that...
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."- Albert Einstein
Time: 2100 Hours Galactic Standard Time
Location: Chazwa System
Ship: Coreward Bound A-Class Bulk Freighter...
A Wanderer Isn't Always Lost
Iritsa, Chazwa
This great, big, expanse of a galaxy was made up of smaller things, and those smaller things were comprised of even smaller particles. This whole law of life went down to the very atoms and microscopic morsels that made up the very roots of life...