Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Alicia Drey

    Approved Location  Childhood

    Childhood OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: 2024 Force Rupture Contest Tefka . Image Credit: Canon: N/A...
  2. Countess Anétresya

    Private  One Holy Tree; Two Fates Tied

    [NAME] odemyrii [AlIAS] 'aurelia/odee' [SPECI3S] xonavean-base [AGE] twelve [HEiGHT] 5'1ft / 153.5cm [L0CATiON] the sanctum [PlAN3T] X O N A [DATE] 25 years past [TAGGiNG] Andrew Gaul ONE HOLY TREE; TWO FATES TIED At dawn, the first sun arose in the east through a window between the...
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