Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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civil defense force

  1. Blakely Moore

    Faction  [LAW] Always Bet on Losing Dogs

    ALWAYS BET ON LOSING DOGS The fall of the Rimward Trade League was swift and devastating, precipitated by a relentless three-front invasion from the Sith along the western reaches of the nation. With the capital world of Susefvi engulfed in flames and the Jedi Coalition on Dagobah disbanded...
  2. Aerin Denno

    Civil Defense Force (Info & Roster)

    CIVIL DEFENSE FORCE "People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us!" ―Han Solo Each world in the League protects itself from local incursions with its own planetary defense fleets, but when the LAW undergoes larger missions, the PDFs combine to form the formidable Civil Defense...
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