Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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clan ordo

  1. Laphisto

    LFG  Clan ordo lost and found

    im curious if there are any others of clan ordo still mukking about, would like to get some more interactions going with the clan, laphisto only recently become a full member of clan order after being a Mando'ade in spirit for so long thanks to Ordo himself. he was there at the Carnea festival...
  2. Ordo

    Approved Location  Canderous City

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Only world building Image Credit: None Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Canderous City Classification: Frontier City Location: Affiliation: Clan Ordo, MandalTech...
  3. Beskadala

    Where are all the Ordo??

    Just wondering where are all the Clan Ordo RPers out there? I am brewing up a plot to have the Clan reforged after its sundering due to the Civil War and the Sith Annexation of Mandalore. Would love to see other Ordo RPers and what they're characters are up to. So if you are an Ordo post down...
  4. Gilamar Skirata

    Connroy's Venture

    What had she gotten herself into? Okyaab VI was a backwater world, even more backwater than Concord Dawn in the eyes of the Galaxy. The sun was low in the sky today. She had been in the brush for a few days. Coordinates for this place pinged it hundreds of miles from the closest settlement...
  5. Arla Ordo

    Tags needed, please.

    Clan Ordo is in need of a little artwork. Needs tags that say the following Clan Ordo Asmulr Navitr Marev Karyatesa Marev I'm not decided on colors so this is pretty much open. thank you
  6. L

    Approved Vehicle  Vindicator Line-Breaker

    VINDICATOR LINE-BREAKER Image Source: Here Intent: To provide an infantry support vehicle to the Mandalorian Clans PRODUCTION INFORMATION Development Thread: As Needed Manufacturer: Mandalorian Clans Model: Mk1 Affiliation: Clan Ordo Modularity: Aesthetics Production: Minor Material...
  7. L

    Approved Tech  Aliit'ordo Litnr

    ALIIT'ORDO LITNR Image Source: Here Intent: To create a Shield for Clan Ordo's Rank and File PRODUCTION INFORMATION Development Thread: As needed Manufacturer: Mandalorian Clans Model: Mk1 Affiliation: Clan Ordo Modularity: Yes Aesthetics ​Production: Mass Material: Mandalorian Steel...
  8. Jad Ordo

    Jad Ordo

    Jad Ordo, the Alpha Wolf FACTION: Mandalorians RANK: Initiate SPECIES: Human (Mandalorian) PLANET OF BIRTH: Concord Dawn AGE: 22 SEX: Male ORIENTATION: Heterosexual HEIGHT: 155.7528 cm (5' 11") WEIGHT: 85.729 Kg (189 lbs) FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but he is not aware yet. ALIGNMENT...
  9. Tanith Alde

    Clan Ordo

    Name: Clan Ordo Intent: To Flesh out Ashtah's Clan and family some more Affiliation: Mandalorians Availability: Common (?) Quality: B Type: Variable, Primarily infantry Strength: Unspecifiec, Presumed in the hundreads Description: (May I Link The wiki page?) Links:-
  10. Laura Na'Varro

    The Prodigal Son Returns

    Mandalore For the first time in seven years, Rickon Ordo set foot on the soil of the Mandalorian homeworld. A native of Concord Dawn himself, Rickon had always held a special affinity for that world, but Mandalore ... there was history here. Thousands of years of history, paved in...
  11. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Starship  Ordo-Class Frigate

    Image Credit: Here Intent: To create a Frigate for the Mandalorian Fleet Manufacturer: MandalMotors Model: Ordo-class Frigate Affiliation: Mandalorian Clan Ordo Production: Mass Modularity: High (see description) Material: Terenthium-Desh Alloy (ablative armor), Alusteel-Reinforced Quadranium...
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