Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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codex manifest

  1. Vemric Keldra

    The Confederacy Factory & Codex Manifest

    Military: Starships: Negotiator-class Battlecruiser Independence-class Star Destroyer Conqueror-class Star Destroyer Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser Voyager-class Heavy Cruiser Liberty-class Escort Cruiser Ambassador-class Corvette Vanguard-class Gunship Meteor-class Starfighter Type...
  2. Darth Imperius

    Codex Manifest

    CODEX MANIFEST [Last Update: 12th August 2024] | MILITARY UNITS | Eternal Army Forces Hellhounds Wolfguards Eternal Army Logistics Corps Eternal Army Ultranaut Corps Pyronauts Ultranaut Thunder Corps Ultranaut Ghost Troopers Blackwatch Psi Corps Blackwatch Death Squads Essex's Commando |...
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