Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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confederacy of the scar worlds

  1. Faylene Thal

    Character  Korol Bombassa

    KOROL BOMBASSA Age 44 GSY Species Human (Corellian) Gender Masculine Height 1.68 Meters Weight 94 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Benedict Wong PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Korol is a shorter-than-average human male in his mid-40s. He tends to wear extravagent clothing, almost akin to...
  2. Arron Starstrider

    Character  Baize Reav

    BAIZE REAV Age 34 GSY Homeworld Nadiem Species Human-Kiffar hybrid Gender Male Height 1.96 Meters Weight 116 kg Force Sensitive Yes Voice David Oyelowo INVENTORY Equipment A set of Norris robes A siang lance An HF-94 heavy blaster pistol A Kilian shield gauntlet Vehicle(s)...
  3. Solan Charr

    Public  A Symbol and Declaration for the Future. (Public/Faction)

    Kesh, Tahv, The Grand Assembly Solan stood with his arms behind his back, looking at the people who were entering the main doors into the Assembly's Grand Hall. It was not quite as spectacular as the Republic's Senate Chambers, or as extravagant as many numerous world's throne rooms for their...
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