Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Na-Nihilus Soth

    Approved Lore  Confederate Third Fleet || Freedom's Gauntlet

    Confederate Third Fleet||Freedom's Gauntlet OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a fleet for Confederate Admiral Na-Nihilus Soth Image Credit: The Confederacy Art Repository Permissions: Braxton Holst for the contributions to the Confederate Navy Links: Confederacy Factory &...
  2. A

    Character  General Secretary Alderic Angewyre

  3. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Tech  Confederate Reserve Note

    CONFEDERATE RESERVE NOTE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent Provide an alternative currency outside of the commonly utilized 'Credits' Image Source: [HERE] Canon Link: Currency - Canon Currency - Legends Authority Cash Voucher Permissions: Not...
  4. Amelia von Sorenn

    First Consolidated Confederate Reserve

    FIRST CONSOLIDATED CONFEDERATE RESERVE OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: [HERE] Canon: Bank Primary Source: The Astraeus Von Sorenn Industries Central Bank Trade Federation of Trendivar Zaibatsu Banking Sorenn-Syrush...
  5. A

    LFG  Looking for Confederate Higher Up

    Looking for a Confederate higher up who would be willing to inspect the mine (On Tatooine) that my character is running (will act as an introduction of my character.) PM me if interested.
  6. Andi Americus

    Andi Mae Americus

    ANDI MAE AMERICUS NAME: Andi Mae Americus; Or just Andi. FACTION: The Great Confederate States of Independent Systems. RANK: Rebellious Mandalorian Diva. SPECIES: Mandalorian Purebred. AGE: Twenty five; Same as Jimmy. SEX: Obviously female. Sexuality: Flexible. HEIGHT: Five feet eight...
  7. Srina Talon

    A Place of Healing [GA/Endgame Aftermath Thread]

    In wake of the absolute nutso-crazy-storm of [Endgame] Coruscant-Is-Now-A-Burning-Hole - We, courtesy of [member="Nysana Talon"], and with permission from GA Staff have opened an "Aftermath" thread. It should be far more lowkey than the actual Endgame thread itself. Our goals, generally...
  8. R

    Don Delfino

    Don Without His Suit NAME: Don Delfino FACTION: None RANK: Officer SPECIES: Hapen AGE: 45 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.1 meters WEIGHT: 140lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: Blond SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
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