Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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core wars

  1. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Trade Federation Advanced War Foundries

    Wookieepedia - The Spike (Space Station) | Gat Tambor Permissions Length: 5,000 Standard Meters in Length Width: 5,000 Standard Meters in Width Height: 5,000 Standard Meters in Height STANDARD FEATURES Standard Trade Federation Countermeasures Standard Trade Federation Security Systems...
  2. Defias

    First Reply  Assault at Kampe

    Imperial Listening Outpost Dorn Esk, Kampe, Deep Core Major Lan Derith glared at the outpost below from his command room with a look of disgust. His men, his stormtroopers, forced to operate with the subsentient Mawites. Shoulder next to shoulder with the same mongrels he’d put down decades ago...
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