Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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coren starchaser

  1. Persephone Dashiell

    Private  Educational Crusade

    CROWN OF ASHLA The Ruins | Coren Starchaser Ession. A city-wide planet all except for one area. A large golden section of vegetation, rivers, and ruins. It was one of the sites of the Ashlan Crusade, a movement that had since died yet still contained adherents and fringers who worshiped...
  2. Chi Chuchi

    Private  Chasing Stars On Kattada

    Through the light blue sky and under wispy clouds, the arrowhead shape of Che’s Boutique cut a fine figure as she powered down into a gentle landing along one of the pads that serviced the Jedi enclave on Kattada. Inside the small corvette, which was more a home and mobile workshop than a ship...
  3. Coren Starchaser

    Approved Starship  YT-2000 Tachyon Rising

    Link Root SHIP STATISTICS Length: 29.4 meters Width: 21.6 meters Height: 9.6 meters Squadron Count: 1 Hyperdrive: Yes, 0.3 (Silkworm, Starchaser) STANDARD FEATURES Standard Life Support Systems Standard Targetting System Standard Sensors Array Surround Sound System Smuggling...
  4. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Synergism Star Compact

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an initiative that will help deal with the issues that accompany the Drael during and after their impact on Wild Space. Image Credit: X - X Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Jakku Jedi Enclave Tide of Light Romi Jade Coren Starchaser Naata Sil...
  5. M

    Approved Tech  Starchaser's Light

    STARCHASER'S LIGHT OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To refine the Starburst Crystal at the request of [member="Coren Starchaser"]. Image Source: Michal Cap, Artstation (x) Primary Source: Starburst Crystal (x) PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Starburst Crystal; Crystal of Light...
  6. Romi Jade

    After the Storm

    She made a choice - this time. Gasp She shot up, reaching for whatever she could substitute as an anchor. She was drenched; she'd been soaking in this pool while under some sort of healing trance. Before she could realize where she was, she was in a bit of a shock after everything that'd...
  7. Zark San Tekka

    Legacy of the Void

    Valley of the Jedi Ruusan It had been many years since the Valley's pinnacle, but while it was no longer the spiritual doomsday weapon it had once been, it was still arguably the most powerful spiritual reservoir in the known galaxy. Though Ruusan had changed many hands since, none were able...
  8. Dash Kessler

    Approved Tech  Starchaser Custom Arm

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Replacement for Coren Starchaser. Image Source: Medical Daily Canon Link: Cybernetics Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Tricks of the Trade Model: TT001SC - Starchaser Custom Affiliation: Coren Starchaser...
  9. Romi Jade

    Balance Point [Closed]

    In the aftermath of tragedy, will these Jedi Knights find purpose in their search for reclamation? [hr] SPINTIR Cave of Light & Shadow WITH: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [hr] It'd been only a couple of weeks after they were freed from captivity on Lola Sayu. With the Galaxy seemingly...
  10. Darth Ren Malgus

    Slipping and Sliding

    Serena had made arrangements on Naboo for an adventure. One that could only be shared by another kindred spirit. She sent [member="Coren Starchaser"] the message to come and meet her. The lush green world of Naboo was a beautiful welcoming sight. The warmth of the sun kissing her skin made...
  11. Rekha Kaarde

    Dinner is on me (To join ask for invite)

    Bespin Rekha stood waiting inside she had been told that [member="Coren Starchaser"] and [member="Spark Finn"] were on approach. She had invited them to Bespin she had invited Coren for dinner it didn’t seem right not to include Spark. Their little adventures together had certainly taken...
  12. Coren Starchaser

    Paladin Personal Transport

    Image Source: Eve Online, Interior: Google image for 'cyberpunk' Affiliation: Spark Finn, Coren Starchaser (kinda sorta) Manufacturer: Coren Starchaser Model: HackintoshPaladin-Class Personal Transort Modularity: Minor: Interior, computer systems, flight avionics Production: Unique Material...
  13. Darth Ren Malgus

    It is Memory Precious and Pure (complete)

    The Outer Time, Planet Sedri A water world for the most part inhabited by the Sedrians. One item that the Sedrians had that was of some curiosity was their spear gun the living coral that was used as a power source. Wren was interested in the living coral, others it seemed were interested in...
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