Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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corporate interests guild

  1. Castor Crane

    Boost  In the Spirit of Business | Corpos & Magnates

    Tags: Emilia Locke | Makai Dashiell | Liin Terallo | Morrigan Thorne | Tertius C. Nargath Location: Livien Magnus, ORD RADAMA After having said his piece at the Corporate Interests Guild summit on Bothawui, it was humorously ironic that Castor found himself attending an economic moot within...
  2. Judah Dashiell

    Faction  Lawyers, Guns, and Money [ Corporate Interests Guild ]

    B O T H A W U I “Come to order please.” Voice of the moderator called out in the circular room, drawing attention to herself. She was not here to voice her opinion, but to keep the summit on track. This included starting on time and with the first topic. Corporate leaders had been called to...
  3. Corporate Interests Guild

    Corporate Interests Guild

    An expanding collection of capitalists looking to protect their business interests in the galaxy. All corporations, big and small, are welcome to join and discuss the state of the galactic economy.
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